Ms. Reynolds tells her class that they will be in a small group discussion tomorrow. They will discuss how the characters change in the book they just finished reading. What is one thing the students can do to prepare for this small group discussion?
  • Reread parts of the book where the characters change
  • Read a summary of the book
  • Discuss the characters ahead of time with a friend
  • Find difficult vocabulary words in the book and look them up
Another small discussion about the novel will be in a few days. The students will be discussing how certain words are used in chapterHow should the students prepare for the group discussion?
  • Write out the unknown words
  • Reread the whole book
  • Use the context clues to define each unknown word
  • Read information about the author
In a small discussion tomorrow, the students will be discussing new information in a small group. The new information can be found on a website and consists of several pages. What should the students do to prepare?
  • Write questions they might want to ask each other
  • Read the first page
  • Read the information several times
  • Take notes on the information
Since tomorrow your class will be having a small group discussion, you want to prepare for it. At the end of the discussion, the group must have the worksheet completed that was distributed at the beginning of the class period. What is the best thing you can do before tomorrow to prepare for the discussion?
  • Ask the teacher questions
  • Discuss the information with a friend
  • Study the material
  • Think about what might be on the worksheet
As Kim wakes up this morning, she realizes she did not read the information for English class. Her assignment was to read the chapter so she would be prepared for the discussion. What should she do?
  • Nothing, since it is too late to read the entire information assigned
  • Talk to the teacher and ask if she can do something else instead of participating in the discussion
  • Read the important parts of the information when she has time before English class
  • Ask a friend what the information was about
For tomorrow's discussion, the teacher has told you that you are the leader. She has also told the class that there will be many things that have to be done during the discussion tomorrow. What should you do as the leader to prepare for this discussion?
  • Make a schedule of what to do
  • Do a few of the tasks the night before
  • Tell the members of the group to do a few tasks before the discussion
  • Tell the group members that they will not be doing any of the tasks
Ms. Johnson gives her students the following question. Why should people be honest? The students in her class will be discussing this question in a small group. How can her students prepare for this discussion?
  • Read about honesty
  • Study the information you found on the Internet about honesty
  • Take notes about honesty from the Internet
  • Think
For a group discussion tomorrow, a goal of what should be accomplished should be set. Each group may have a different goal. Who should decide on the group's goal for a discussion?
  • The teacher
  • The leader
  • The group
  • The whole class
Before the small group discussion, the students need to move so that they can see each other. How should they arrange their chairs to see and hear each member of their group?
  • Back-to-back
  • In partners
  • In rows
  • In a circle
Ms. Thompson tells her class that they will have a discussion about the topic below. Topic: What do you think is the best pet to have? What should her students do to prepare for this discussion?
  • Think of an answer and reason
  • Read about the different kinds of pets
  • Take a survey of the class about the best pets
  • Print off information about dogs and cats
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