Read the speech - Do People Depend on their Cell Phones Too Much? Which of the following statements paraphrases the second paragraph in the speech?
  • Students need to use their brain and think instead of using a cell phone to help with schoolwork.
  • It is better to learn a message from someone by standing face-to-face with them.
  • People play video games too much when they could be doing something more worthwhile.
  • Cell phones are being used too much for fun, communicating and for school assignments.
Read the speech - Do People Depend on their Cell Phones Too Much? Which of the following statements paraphrases the first paragraph in the speech?
  • Students need to use their brain and think instead of using a cell phone to help with schoolwork.
  • It is better to learn a message from someone by standing face-to-face with them.
  • People play video games too much when they could be doing something more worthwhile.
  • Cell phones are being used too much for fun, communicating and for school assignments.
Read the speech - Do People Depend on their Cell Phones Too Much? Which of the following statements paraphrases the fourth paragraph in the speech?
  • Students need to use their brain and think instead of using a cell phone to help with schoolwork.
  • It is better to learn a message from someone by standing face-to-face with them.
  • People play video games too much when they could be doing something more worthwhile.
  • Cell phones are being used too much for fun, communicating and for school assignments.
Read the speech - Do People Depend on their Cell Phones Too Much? Which of the following statements paraphrases the third paragraph in the speech?
  • Students need to use their brain and think instead of using a cell phone to help with schoolwork.
  • It is better to learn a message from someone by standing face-to-face with them.
  • People play video games too much when they could be doing something more worthwhile.
  • Cell phones are being used too much for fun, communicating and for school assignments.
Look at the picture. Which of the following paraphrases the picture?
  • People use wheelbarrows when gardening.
  • Growing vegetables is a great way to be healthy.
  • Gardening is usually done in the country on a farm.
  • People can have a garden on the rooftop in a major city.
Look at the pie graph. It shows how much money was spent on insurance, bills, taxes and salaries. It also shows how much money was gained in profit for a business. Which of the following paraphrases the pie graph?
  • The least amount of money spent was on salaries.
  • More money was spent on taxes than anything else.
  • Only a small amount of money was spent on outgoings, but the business made a large profit.
  • Most of the money was spent on outgoings and only a small amount was gained for the business.
Look at the picture. Which of the following paraphrases the picture?
  • Children are cooling off in the fountains on a hot day.
  • Children are running between fountains for fun.
  • Children decided to get dressed to play in the fountains.
  • Fountains provide water to drink.
Look at the picture. Which of the following paraphrases the picture?
  • Children have built a family of snowmen.
  • It takes a lot of hard work to build a snowman.
  • A snowman is made up of snow and clothing.
  • You have to like being in cold weather in order to build a snowman.
Look at the chart. Which of the following paraphrases the third column?
  • The eight minerals in an apple make it healthy for a person.
  • The apple consists of about five things.
  • An apple has many different vitamins in them.
  • An apple gives you energy through its calories.
Look at the chart. Which of the following paraphrases the first column?
  • The eight minerals in an apple make it healthy for a person.
  • The apple consists of about five things.
  • An apple has many different vitamins in it.
  • An apple gives you energy through its calories.
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