Which is a good concluding sentence for the following main idea sentence? MAIN IDEA SENTENCE: Dogs usually sleep 5-7 hours a day.
  • Dogs will sleep for 5-7 hours a day
  • Dogs sleep too often
  • During the afternoon, dogs usually sleep for a long period of time
  • Cats also sleep a lot
Which is a good concluding sentence for the following main idea sentence? MAIN IDEA SENTENCE: Painting a room can change the look of a room.
  • Bringing in new furniture can also make the room look better
  • It only takes one can of paint to create a new look in a room
  • Painting is a difficult chore to do
  • Painting is messy and requires a lot of preparation
Which of the following sentences should NOT be included in a concluding paragraph for the following thesis statement? THESIS STATEMENT: Earthquakes cause lots of damage.
  • Earthquakes can have disastrous results
  • Some of the damage that earthquakes cause are to buildings and to people
  • Tsunamis can cause damage, but it is by water
  • People should realize that their property may get damaged if they live in an earthquake zone
Which of the following should NOT be included in a concluding paragraph?
  • A sense of closure
  • An argument written in other words
  • Another personal opinion
  • The main points written in other words
Which is a good concluding sentence for the following main idea sentence? MAIN IDEA SENTENCE: The sun provides vitamins that people need.
  • The sun shines bright every day
  • The moon is not as helpful as the sun
  • Vitamins are needed by the human body
  • Besides feeling its warmth, the sun also makes people healthy
Which is a good concluding sentence for the following main idea sentence? MAIN IDEA SENTENCE: Gasoline has increased in price throughout the years.
  • Years ago, people did not need gasoline since they rode horses
  • Cars also need oil and other fluids to run
  • Gasoline is a needed item in order for a car to run
  • The cost of gas has certainly gone up in the past few decades
What should be included in a concluding paragraph of an essay?
  • Additional reasons that provide evidence
  • New information to support the opinion
  • Summary of the argument and main points
  • Lots of detail to describe the reasons
What should be included in a concluding sentence of a paragraph?
  • A question
  • Restating the main idea
  • New information
  • Another opinion
Which of the following sentences should NOT be included in a concluding paragraph for the following thesis statement? THESIS STATEMENT: Mathematics is the most important subject in school.
  • Math is quite difficult for me to do
  • The course considered to be used the most is mathematics
  • Mathematics is important because people use it every day, and it is taught in all schools around the world
  • Since math builds upon skills, people should keep up with each math skill they learn
Which is a good concluding sentence for the following main idea sentence? MAIN IDEA SENTENCE: People do not pay for electricity if they have solar panels on their houses.
  • Another way to save money is to turn off the lights in rooms
  • It is better for the environment to use solar panels
  • Houses with solar panels do not look as nice as those houses without solar panels
  • Solar panels do away with electricity costs in homes
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