Which source below is best to use for the topic? TOPIC: Which beverage is worse for you: coke or tea?
  • A survey asking which drink each classmate prefers
  • A report from a scientist about how coke and tea affects a person's health
  • A website about the history of coke and tea
  • A brochure about the ingredients of coke and tea
Read the story - Hammurabi's Code. Which note would NOT be helpful because it is not a main idea in the story?
  • * 50% of laws were about buying and selling
  • * Example of a law - how much to pay for a service
  • * Wooden houses were built in Babylonia
  • * Did not have to discuss how much to pay for an item
Your teacher asks you to write an essay without using any resources. It also must be done within the class period. What is the teacher most likely expecting you to write about?
  • Your experiences
  • Facts about a social studies topic
  • Any topic where you gather facts from sources
  • An essay where you need evidence
Read the story - Hammurabi's Code. How should the following notes be categorized? * 1792 - 1750 BC * Leader of Babylonia * 6th king of the dynasty
  • Citizens' thoughts about Hammurabi's leadership style
  • How Hammurabi's Code began
  • Leader information about Hammurabi
  • Geography of Babylonia
Read the story - Hammurabi's Code. Which note would NOT be helpful because it is not a main idea in the story?
  • * Led from 1792 - 1750 BC
  • * Codes - very strict and harsh punishments
  • * 6th king of the Babylonia Dynasty
  • * Babylonia was part of Mesopotamia
Read the story - Hammurabi's Code. How should the following notes be categorized? * Cutting off arms or legs * Put to death * An eye for an eye
  • Consequences of breaking the laws
  • Types of laws
  • Places where people lived in Babylonia
  • Hammurabi's explanations for laws
Your teacher requires that you provide a source list. How should your list of sources be arranged?
  • By their importance
  • In any order
  • In the order in which you used them in your essay
  • Alphabetically by the author's last name
Which topic below would you need to gather facts about?
  • World Deserts
  • Your favorite cake
  • A time when you were brave
  • You favorite color
Which source below is best to use for the topic? TOPIC: How does an airplane work?
  • A diary from a girl who flew to see her grandparents
  • An encyclopedia about the history of airplanes
  • An interview with a pilot
  • A website about airplanes with an unknown author
Which topic below requires the student to recall information from experiences?
  • Write about the best-paying job in the world
  • Write about who you think is the best historical leader
  • Write about a time when you were angry
  • Write about how cell phones work
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