You are writing an informative essay about the topic below. TOPIC: Dangerous Animals You brainstorm a list. Below is part of the list that you come up with about dangerous animals. * jellyfish * sharks * eels What heading could you use for this group of information?
  • Dangerous animals living in the water
  • When pets attack
  • Unusual animals that are dangerous
  • Causes of animals attacking
Which sentence would introduce the topic below clearly in an informative essay? TOPIC: History of the candy bar
  • If a dog eats a chocolate bar, it could cause great harm
  • I like candy bars because they taste delicious
  • Did you know that the first chocolate bar was founded in 1916?
  • Many chocolate bars contain fruit and nuts
You are writing an informative essay about the topic below. TOPIC: Dangerous Animals You brainstorm a list. Below is part of the list that you come up with about dangerous animals. * dogs are frequent attackers of humans * lizards release poison into the air * snakes will bite people even if they know them What heading could you use for this group of information?
  • Unusual animals that are dangerous
  • When pets attack
  • Causes of animals attacking
  • Dangerous animals living in the water
How would a photo help the informative essay about the topic below? TOPIC: Owls have unique bodies.
  • It would show that owls have great eyesight
  • It would show that owls can turn their heads around
  • It would show that owls are fearless toward other animals
  • It would show that owls have sharp claws
How would a photo help the informative essay about the topic below? TOPIC: Police officers are helpful to others
  • It would show what weapons police officers carry
  • It would show police officers doing paperwork
  • It would show police officers in a car chase
  • It would show police officers making people feel comfortable
You are writing an informative essay about the topic below. TOPIC: Dangerous Animals You brainstorm a list. Below is part of the list that you come up with about dangerous animals. * army ants kill in large groups * unusual honey bees sting with poison * flies carry disease What heading could you use for this group of information?
  • Unusual animals that are dangerous
  • Causes of animals attacking
  • When pets attack
  • Dangerous animals living in the water
You are writing an informative essay about the topic below. TOPIC: Dangerous Animals You brainstorm a list. Below is part of the list that you come up with about dangerous animals. * animal feels threatened * animal is looking for food * animal wants to feel stronger What heading could you use for this group of information?
  • When pets attack
  • Unusual animals that are dangerous
  • Causes of animals attacking
  • Dangerous animals living in the water
Which sentence would introduce the topic below clearly in an informative essay? TOPIC: Farming today
  • Imagine never having to buy food at the grocery store because you are a farmer
  • Farmers have a difficult job because they rely on the weather
  • Farmers should decide whether they will sell their produce or keep it
  • Farms are close to where I live
Which multimedia would help people understand the informative essay about the topic below? TOPIC: Being a soldier at war
  • A booklet about wars
  • A recording of an interview with a soldier
  • A photo of a soldier at war
  • A video of a movie about a war
Which multimedia would help people understand the informative essay about the topic below? TOPIC: Process of going to the hospital
  • A booklet explaining the location of the hospital
  • A photo showing a patient standing at the front desk
  • A video showing the steps to being admitted to the hospital
  • A recording of a patient explaining why they went to the hospital
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