What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: What are some current video games?
  • To use details of how video games work
  • To use a quote from an adult
  • To provide a definition of video games
  • To provide examples of video games
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Describe the pollution you see in your town
  • To provide the definition of pollution
  • To give a quote from a citizen
  • To give concrete details of what makes a river polluted
  • To give examples of the pollution in your town
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Who invented chocolate?
  • To provide details of how to make chocolate
  • To provide the definition of chocolate
  • To use a quote from a historical person who ate chocolate a lot
  • To provide facts of the history of chocolate
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Describe the history of your town
  • To provide definitions about the terms used in your town
  • To identify popular places in your town
  • To provide details of how the town came to be
  • To get a quote from teenagers who live in your town
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Explain the common sports played in England.
  • To provide a quote from the department's recreation leader in England
  • To provide definitions of soccer, basketball and cricket
  • To give examples of how people in England play sports
  • To give details of what equipment is used to play sports
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: How is the Mayan calendar different from today's calendar?
  • To provide a quote from a Mayan person
  • To provide details of the Mayan calendar
  • To use examples of calendars
  • To use facts about the Mayans' way of living
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Describe the life of Albert Einstein
  • To give facts of Einstein's life
  • To use a quotation from an encyclopedia about Einstein
  • To provide details of Einstein's theories
  • To provide definitions about Albert Einstein
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Identify peer pressure and what it does.
  • To give facts about peer pressure at different jobs
  • To provide the definition of peer pressure
  • To give a quote about peer pressure from a student
  • To give details of the history of peer pressure
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: Why do schools have dress codes?
  • To provide information of dress codes in the military
  • To give quotes from students about their dress code
  • To give examples of past problems when a school did not have a dress code
  • To provide details of how a school with a dress code functions in their daily tasks
What would help develop the topic below? TOPIC: What are the causes of sneezing?
  • To use examples of how people sneeze
  • To provide the definition of sneezing
  • To use quotes from a doctor
  • To provide information about what happens after you sneeze
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