What does the capitalized simile mean in the sentence below? After getting sick, my face was AS PALE AS A GHOST due to throwing up so much.
  • Angry
  • Dressed up as a ghost
  • Very scary
  • Very white
What does the capitalized simile mean in the sentence below? My mother got as MAD AS A HORNET when she saw that I didn't clean my room.
  • To flap your arms like a bug
  • Buzzed around
  • Extremely upset
  • To sting something
What does the capitalized simile mean in the sentence below? Since the barbed wire was as SHARP AS A RAZOR, it cut my skin.
  • The wire has razors on its ends
  • Very pointy
  • Very smart
  • Has a handle on it
What does the capitalized simile mean in the sentence below? The high-powered flashlight's beam was as BRIGHT AS THE MOON so we could see everything.
  • Lots of light
  • Resembles a moon
  • Has craters on it
  • Causes dogs to howl at it
What does the capitalized simile mean in the sentence below? After working for 15 hours straight, I SLEPT LIKE A LOG.
  • To nap very still
  • To use a log as a pillow
  • To nap soundly
  • To nap lightly
What does the capitalized metaphor mean in the sentence below? The woman had a HEART OF GOLD for donating her money to the homeless shelter.
  • To have a heavy heart
  • To be very kind
  • To have heart replacement surgery
  • To wear a gold necklace over the heart
What does the capitalized metaphor mean in the sentence below? When it was my turn to give my speech, I had COLD FEET and decided not to get on stage.
  • Quickly doing something
  • Freezing toes
  • Freezing temperatures
  • Strong doubt to not do something
What does the capitalized metaphor mean in the sentence below? In every class, there are a FEW BAD APPLES that cause problems.
  • Helpful people
  • Troubling people
  • Young people
  • Loud people
What does the capitalized metaphor mean in the sentence below? When I bit into the crumbly muffin, I had to force the DRY POWDER down my throat.
  • No moisture
  • Delicious
  • Hurtful
  • Happy
What does the capitalized metaphor mean in the sentence below? After getting straight A's, Karen was the SHINING STAR in her class.
  • Principal
  • Teacher
  • Struggling student
  • Best student
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