Tomorrow, you will be discussing the structure of the cell with the students sitting around you. The teacher tells the class to be prepared to discuss the topic. What is the best way to prepare for this discussion?
  • Read an article on a website about the topic.
  • Watch a show on television about the topic.
  • Discuss the topic ahead of time with your friend.
  • Reread the chapters and notes from several days before.
Kelly wants to do a good job in her class tomorrow at the class discussion. What should she do right before the class discussion?
  • Read the chapter.
  • Read the notes she took.
  • Talk to her friends.
  • Wait for the class to start.
Since your English class will be reading a story tomorrow about a sore loser, your teacher said you will discuss as a class about being a sore loser. What can you do to prepare for it?
  • Research on the Internet.
  • Brainstorm about it.
  • Look at your notes.
  • Read the textbook.
Stephanie knows a lot about the topic that will be discussed tomorrow in class. What should she do to prepare for the discussion?
  • Nothing because she is probably prepared for it.
  • Answer questions from the textbook.
  • Quiz her friends about the topic.
  • Read the material.
For tomorrow, your teacher says that the class will be divided into groups. Each group will discuss the leaders of the Civil War. You left your textbook at school. How else can you prepare for this discussion?
  • Research the leaders on the Internet.
  • Ask your parents.
  • Think back to what you already learned.
  • Wait until you get to school.
You are preparing for a discussion tomorrow. Your topic is ways people currently help the environment. You have just written down some good examples. What should you do next?
  • Find a picture of people helping the environment.
  • Think of a few more good examples.
  • Write down facts about the results of endangered animals.
  • Write down some poor examples that people do to help the environment.
For which topic below would you need to study the material for a discussion instead of reading the material?
  • Writing a short story together as a group.
  • Discussing a story that was read yesterday.
  • Working word math problems using formulas.
  • Reading a logic problem and working it out.
When should students write down notes about the topic for a discussion?
  • For topics that are unfamiliar to the students.
  • For all discussions.
  • When the teacher requires it.
  • When the students feel like they should.
In your English class, your teacher wants each group to write a short story. However, tomorrow the teacher just wants the groups to discuss what will be in the story. How can the students prepare for this discussion?
  • Write the beginning of the story.
  • Rewrite their notes.
  • Jot down ideas for the story.
  • Talk to a classmate.
During a discussion tomorrow, you realize that you really don't understand some of the information in the chapter. What should you write down?
  • Your own ideas about the topic.
  • The title of each heading in the chapter.
  • Important facts.
  • Words and phrases that you do not know and their meanings.
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