You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: What damage can be caused from volcanic eruptions? Which of the following should NOT be a category of information you will cover in your research project?
  • Ways ash pollutes the air in the area
  • How lava burns the area around it
  • How much rain falls from the clouds around a volcano
  • Other disasters caused by volcanic eruptions
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: What damage can be caused from volcanic eruptions? What is the best source to use?
  • A drawing of a volcanic eruption by an unknown author
  • Interview with a natural disaster expert
  • A short story about volcanoes
  • A brochure about volcanoes
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: Are sports too dangerous for people to play? Which of the following should NOT be a category of information you will cover in your research project?
  • How to play certain sports
  • Most common injuries from sports
  • Statistics about sports injuries
  • Precautions taken to prevent sports injuries
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: Are sports too dangerous for people to play? What is the best source to use?
  • A blog about sports injuries
  • A website about sports injuries by a 20-year old author
  • A biography about an athlete
  • A survey conducted on athletes about the injuries they suffered
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: Where did jazz music originate? Which of the following should NOT be a category of information you will cover in your research project?
  • Important jazz cities
  • History of jazz
  • Famous jazz musicians of the past
  • How jazz is different from rock 'n roll
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: Where did jazz music originate? What is the best source to use?
  • Old newspaper article about jazz
  • A new article about jazz today
  • A jazz song
  • An opinion about jazz
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: How were the Olympics in Ancient Greece different than the Modern Olympics? Which of the following should NOT be a category of information you will cover in your research project?
  • The most famous Olympian
  • Sports in Ancient Greece
  • Modern-day Olympic Sports
  • Rules for both Ancient and modern-day Olympics
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: How were the Olympics in Ancient Greece different than the Modern Olympics? What is the best source to use to get information about the Ancient Olympics?
  • A short report about Ancient Olympics written by a 10th grader
  • Encyclopedia entry about the Ancient Olympics
  • Artifacts from ancient civilization
  • A blog about Ancient Greece
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: How are black holes created? Which of the following should NOT be a category of information you will cover in your research project?
  • What is in a black hole
  • An astronaut's life
  • What do black holes do
  • How do black holes affects other things in space
You are doing a research project about the topic below. TOPIC: How are black holes created? What is the best source to use?
  • A poem about space
  • An astronaut's report about black holes
  • A television show about black holes
  • A biography of an astronaut
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