The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. Mr. Steven’s new truck is a big WHITE ELEPHANT that his wife hates.
  • something amazing and very useful
  • something very expensive and useless
  • something very big and useful
  • something cheap and useless
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. I’m so glad I brought an umbrella because it’s RAINING CATS AND DOGS now.
  • it's starting to sprinkle
  • it's about to rain
  • it's starting to clear up
  • it's raining very heavily
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. I would GIVE MY RIGHT ARM to get tickets for the football game!
  • do something really stupid
  • do something dangerous
  • do absolutely anything
  • do what is expected of me
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. He said it would be a PIECE OF CAKE to get an “A” on his test.
  • almost impossible
  • very easy
  • very exciting
  • a small chore
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. IN THE END he confessed to both crimes.
  • Finally
  • Towards the end
  • By the end
  • At the end
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. She would have gone home if she hadn’t BURNED HER BRIDGES.
  • ended her relationships
  • burned her house down
  • lost her way
  • been angry
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. If you GIVE ME A HAND, I’ll be able to go out with you.
  • lift me up
  • help me
  • hold my hand
  • take my hand
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. There is no sense in CRYING OVER SPILT MILK.
  • something that was going to happen
  • something that could have been avoided
  • something that you didn't know about
  • something that can't be changed
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. Sometimes ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN.
  • things will get broken
  • things will spill
  • things take place often
  • things will simply occur
The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning. As this was his first time camping, they KEPT AN EYE ON him.
  • considered
  • checked on
  • closely observed
  • looked at
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