Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The sausages ....... in the skillet.
  • are
  • cooked
  • sizzled
  • were
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. Voice 1: ....... ....... Voice 2: Who's there?
  • hello hello
  • knock knock
  • rap rap
  • tap tap
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The leaky tap ....... all night.
  • dripped
  • started
  • stopped
  • was on
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The tennis ball ....... over the net.
  • hit
  • was
  • went
  • zoomed
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The fireworks ....... and ....... high up in the sky.
  • lit up, died
  • screeched, crackled
  • travelled, disappeared
  • went up, stopped
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The people watching the display ....... and.....
  • arrived, left
  • came, went
  • come, go
  • roared, cheered
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The player ....... the ball across the tennis court.
  • hit
  • pushed
  • put
  • whacked
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The tennis ball ....... past the spectators' heads.
  • journeyed
  • travelled
  • went
  • whizzed
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The car horns ....... in the traffic jam.
  • are
  • beeped
  • played
  • were
Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence. The children sang '....... ....... black sheep'.
  • baa baa
  • moo moo
  • quack quack
  • woof woof
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