Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. The book ....... the library is ....... your homework.
  • by, from
  • from, for
  • from, to
  • to, from
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. I gave a present ....... my friend.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. I am buying flowers ....... her birthday.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. The journey ....... home ....... school ....... train takes one hour.
  • from, by, to
  • from, for, by
  • from, to, by
  • from, to, for
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. The flowers will be a surprise ....... my mother.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. You need to choose a book ....... the library.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. I bought a present ....... my mother.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. Entries ....... the competition must be received ....... us ....... Friday.
  • for, by, by
  • for, for, by
  • from, by, by
  • to, to, by
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. They gave the homework books ....... their friends.
  • by
  • for
  • from
  • to
Find the preposition(s) in the following sentence. The book written ....... J Smith ....... the library is ....... you to read.
  • by, from, for
  • for, from, by
  • from, by, for
  • to, from, for
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