Goosebumps run down my body As something stirs in the night, But the pitch black lighting is blinding It feels my heart with unsettling fright. The monster that causes my distress Is the disabling fear-filled unknown. It's haunted me since I was young, It's not something I've yet outgrown.
  • Third Eye Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
I stare at my mirror So shocked by what I see There is a strange woman Staring right back at me I must’ve been abducted This must be a crazy trick For the reflection that I see Is making me quite sick
  • Third Eye Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
In sixteen hundred and nine Henry Hudson wasn't at all fine. On a trip to the northwest, He faced quite a test. His crew wanted to mutiny, But he convinced them to wait and see. His ship, the Half Moon, Reached Maine around noon. They headed down the coast But they were unable to boast That they had found the passageway That would have made Hudson's day. Instead they explored a river and traded for oysters, Near New York, but not the Cloisters. Seeing the Tapanzee Made them happy Until they reached Albany and found That they were not Northwest Passage bound. Hudson called it a River of Mountains Even though it had no fountains. He returned to his English home But again had to roam. This time however, his crew set him adrift in the cold And he was never again seen, it is told.
  • Explorer Poetry
  • Third Eye Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
I wish I was a waterfall then I could fall over rocks. I can have beautiful fish flowing through me. I can be clean and beautiful. I would have lots of people coming to view me.
  • Explorer Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
  • Third Eye Poetry
The third eye notices when Abbie spilt juice on the rug and said it was Lizzie. The third eye notices when you tell your mom you brushed your teeth for two minutes and you only brushed for one. The third eye notices when you're supposed to be doing your homework and you're listening to music. The third eye sees when you're on the phone for five minutes longer then you're supposed to be. The third eye can tell when you have ice cream for dinner.
  • Third Eye Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
As the smoke clears Revealing our fears Nature’s deadliest creation Born from mankind’s destruction It is the rebirth of a new era The era of Godzilla.
  • Explorer Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
With my white pumpkin I’m going to bake A pumpkin pie and say it’s cheesecake It’s “vanilla bean” Since it’s white like cheese - If only they’ll take the bait plate!
  • Explorer Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
Amerigo Vespucci told a lie, But he confessed before he did die. He said he had beaten Columbus to the west When, in fact, he did not make that test. Vespucci did explore the coast of Brazil, Rio de la Plata and most of South America. Modest he was NOT, nor dim, He suggested they name the new land after him. And they did!
  • Monster Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
The Third eye sees the wall pretending to be a door. The Third eye sees the math genius using a calculator. The Third eye sees Bill sneaking money. The Third eye sees Wade eating stolen food. The Third eye sees strange people hiding food in New York, Boston, and Tokyo.
  • Monster Poetry
  • Third Eye Poetry
  • Lie Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
I wish I were a rock so the creek could push me down the water. I wish I were a bird so when I fly I can land in the water and take a sip. I wish I were a fish so I could swim in the cold water. If I were a leaf I would fall into the water when the wind blows.
  • Lie Poetry
  • Explorer Poetry
  • Monster Poetry
  • I Wish Poetry
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