For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. Mrs. Waxstein goes to the every week.
  • theater
  • museum
  • ladies' club
  • church
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. He enjoyed his meal so much he had to go and compliment the .
  • waitress
  • chef
  • hostess
  • butcher
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. He was when he saw the smoke coming out from under the hood of his car.
  • confused
  • scared
  • worried
  • frightened
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. Carol thought she was very in finding a good joke to play on her older brother.
  • clever
  • sneaky
  • wishful
  • grateful
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. He was told to take his shoes off of the .
  • chair
  • seat
  • stool
  • sofa
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. She went to the front of the store to find a .
  • bag
  • carriage
  • cashier
  • sales receipt
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. The moon is made out of green cheese is a statement.
  • untrue
  • stretched
  • questionable
  • unique
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. She didn’t know what she had to make the right decision.
  • answer
  • option
  • problem
  • question
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. Tommy gently picked up the seashells and placed them in his .
  • pocket
  • shoe
  • shovel
  • bucket
For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word. Jared’s weekly chore is to take out the .
  • recycling
  • dog
  • garbage
  • mulch
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