What is a nominative case pronoun?
  • It is when two or more adjectives are used in a sequence to describe the same noun
  • It is when the pronoun is used as the subject in a sentence
  • It is when the pronouns me, you, him, us, it, her and them are used as a direct object, indirect object or an object of a preposition
  • It is a word that describes, identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun
What is a root word?
  • The first few letters that come before a word to give it a different meaning
  • The last few letters that come after a word to alter or define a words meaning
  • The definition given to a word
  • A word that can stand alone on its own
What is a transitive verb?
  • A verb that is found in a sentence that does not have an object
  • It tells us what the subject is doing
  • A word that replaces a one or more nouns
  • It is when an object receives an action
“Oh my gosh!” Monica cried when she saw how short they had cut her hair.
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement
  • A sentence that makes a simple statement
  • A sentence that asks a question
What is a linking verb?
  • It is word (or group of words) that is used to connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences together
  • It’s a word that shows ownership or possession of singular and plural nouns
  • It connects the subject in a sentence with the predicate of the sentence
  • It is the use of words to imitate a sound or idea
What is a predicate?
  • It tells us something about the subject
  • A word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite thing of another word
  • A word or phrase that means the same thing
  • A word that identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun
What is a compound-complex sentence?
  • A combination of the compound sentence having two or more independent subjects or clauses and where you have at least one independent clause and one dependent clause linked to it
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object
  • When an independent clause is linked to a dependent clause
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction
What is a declarative sentence?
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement
  • A sentence that makes a simple statement
  • A sentence that asks a question
What is an indefinite pronoun?
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction
  • It is always an adjective and includes the words: that, this, these and those
  • It is always an adjective and includes words such as: each, some, few, many, another and both
  • It is always an adjective and includes the words: whose, what and which
What is the subject of a sentence?
  • It is a word that shows action
  • It tells us about whom or what the sentence is about
  • It is a word that modifies a verb
  • A word that replaces one or more nouns
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