What is an imperative sentence?
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object
  • A sentence that gives direction, instructions or a command
  • A sentence that asks a question
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions and/or excitement
What is a compound sentence?
  • A sentence that runs on and includes multiple subjects, verbs and objects
  • A sentence that has two or more independent subject or clauses and one of the independent clauses is linked with a dependent clause
  • A sentence in which there is no object
  • A sentence that has two or more independent subjects linked by a conjunction
What is an abbreviation?
  • A shortened form of a word
  • A punctuation mark that makes a statement
  • A punctuation mark that shows possession
  • A foreign word that replaces an English word
What is a reflexive pronoun?
  • It is a pronoun that can ask a question
  • It is a pronoun that refers back to the subject of a sentence
  • It is a pronoun that does not define a specific number but, rather, points to a general number
  • It is a pronoun that answers the questions “Which one?”
What is an antonym?
  • A word that means the same or nearly the same as another word
  • A word that sounds the same as another word but is spelled differently
  • A word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of another word
  • A word that is spelled the same but has a different meaning in the context of a sentence
What is a suffix?
  • A group of letters that are placed before a root word
  • A cluster of letters that make up a simple word
  • A group of letters that, on their own, do not make up a complete word
  • A group of letters that change the tense of a verb
What is a complex sentence?
  • A sentence in which an independent clause is linked with a dependent clause
  • A sentence that has two or more independent subjects linked by a conjunction
  • A sentence that has two or more independent subject or clauses and one of the independent clauses is linked with a dependent clause
  • A sentence that runs on and includes multiple subjects, verbs and objects
What is a semicolon?
  • A punctuation mark used when the difference between two separate statements is being emphasized
  • A punctuation mark to illustrate a point
  • A punctuation mark used to show strong emotions or expressions
  • A punctuation mark used when introducing a list
What is an ellipsis?
  • A punctuation mark that shows that something has been added or changed to the original text
  • A punctuation mark that is used to replace a letter or letters and connect one word with another
  • A punctuation mark place around information that is not necessarily needed in a sentence
  • A series of dots that show the reader that a word or a group of words have been left out on purpose
What are homonyms?
  • Words that sounds the same as one another but are spelled differently
  • Words that say one thing but mean something else
  • Words used to imitate sound
  • Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings given the context of a sentence
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