What is an idiom?
  • A word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning.
  • A word or phrase that means the same thing.
  • A word or phrase that says one thing but means something else.
  • A word that connects two independent sentences together.
What is a verb?
  • A word that replaces a one or more nouns.
  • A word that shows an action.
  • Words that are spelled the same but in context have a different meaning.
  • A word that describes or identifies or further defines a noun or pronoun.
What is a compound sentence?
  • A combination of the compound sentence having two or more independent subjects or clauses and where you have at least one independent clause and one dependent clause linked to it.
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object.
  • When an independent clause is linked to a dependent clause.
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction.
What is an apostrophe?
  • A mark known as an exclamation point at the end of a sentence to show excitement or strong emotions.
  • A small mark that is used to show possession or with a contraction to show where a letter or letters are missing.
  • A mark used to enclose quoted words, names of books, magazines, newspapers and TV shows.
  • A mark used to show where a pause in speaking would take place.
What is an imperative sentence?
  • A sentence that makes a statement.
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement.
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command.
  • A sentence that asks a question.
What is a noun?
  • A noun is a person, place or thing.
  • A noun is a word that shows action.
  • A noun is a word that is compared to another noun.
  • A noun is a word that imitates a sound.
What is an interrogative sentence?
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement.
  • A sentence that makes a statement.
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command.
  • A sentence that asks a question.
What is a preposition?
  • A word that is used to modify a verb.
  • A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
  • A word that describes or identifies or further defines a noun or pronoun.
  • A word that replaces one or more nouns.
What is a complex sentence?
  • When an independent clause is linked to a dependent clause.
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object.
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction.
  • A combination of the compound sentence having two or more independent subjects or clauses and where you have at least one independent clause and one dependent clause linked to it.
What is a synonym?
  • The proper name given to a noun.
  • Two words that have opposite meanings.
  • Words that sound alike.
  • Two words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
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