What is a declarative sentence?
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command.
  • A sentence that asks a question.
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement.
  • A sentence that makes a statement and ends with a period (.).
What is a compound-complex sentence?
  • A combination of the compound sentence having two or more independent subjects or clauses and where you have at least one independent clause and one dependent clause linked to it.
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object.
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction.
  • When an independent clause is linked to a dependent clause.
What is a simple sentence?
  • A combination of the compound sentence having two or more independent subjects or clauses and where you have at least one independent clause and one dependent clause linked to it.
  • When an independent clause is linked to a dependent clause.
  • A sentence made up of three parts - a subject, a verb and an object.
  • When two or more independent subjects or clauses are linked together by a conjunction.
What is a simile?
  • Two words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
  • When you compare two things to each other.
  • Two words that have opposite meanings.
  • Words that sound alike but are spelled differently.
What is an antonym?
  • Two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite thing.
  • Two words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
  • Two words that are spelled differently but have the same meaning.
  • A word that connects an independent sentence with a dependent sentence.
What is a homophone?
  • A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
  • The proper name given to a noun.
  • Two words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
  • A word that sounds the same as another word but is spelled differently and has a different meaning.
What are quotation marks?
  • Marks used to show possession.
  • Marks used to show where a letter or letters are missing.
  • Marks used to enclose words that were originally stated from another source.
  • Marks used to show strong emotion.
What is an onomatopoeia?
  • Words that are spelled the same but in context have a different meaning.
  • A word or phrase that means the same thing.
  • A word that describes or identifies or further defines a noun or pronoun.
  • The use of words to imitate sound or an idea.
What is an exclamatory sentence?
  • A sentence that asks a question.
  • A sentence that expresses strong emotions or excitement.
  • A sentence that gives direction or a command.
  • A sentence that makes a statement and ends with a period (.).
What is a conjunction?
  • A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
  • A word (or group of words) that is used to connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences together.
  • A word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning.
  • A word that replaces one or more nouns.
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