In essay writing, what is a conclusion?
  • A conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay
  • The conclusion is the answer to the essay question
  • A conclusion is a factual summary of a text
  • The conclusion is the choice between opposing sides of an argument
A concluding paragraph may include...
  • a quotation
  • a rhetorical question
  • a link to the essay's introduction
  • Any of the above
An unsuccessful conclusion...
  • argues a different thesis (main point) from that of the rest of the essay
  • draws attention to the significance of the essay's argument
  • briefly summarizes the essay's argument
  • restates the essay's argument
What could happen if a conclusion goes entirely off-topic?
  • The reader might be distracted from the main argument
  • The essay will not leave a lasting impression on the reader
  • The reader might remember the essay for the wrong reason
  • Any of the above
Pupils are often advised to move from the specific to the general in a concluding paragraph. What is meant by this advice?
  • Move from the specific subject of the essay to an entirely unrelated subject
  • Move from careful analysis to unsupported assertions about the text
  • Move from the specific argument of the essay to broader or more generalized themes
  • All of the above
'But however it may be with the physical sciences, or with music, painting, and architecture, it is -- as I have tried to show -- certain that literature is doomed if liberty of thought perishes.' -- This statement is the first sentence in George Orwell's essay, 'The Prevention of Literature'. Which of the following might be the thesis (main point) of Orwell's essay?
  • Freedom of thought is not very important in comparison to the importance of literature
  • Freedom of thought is necessary in order for a society to produce literature
  • True freedom does not exist
  • Writers should always seek the highest price for their writing
How does Austen present Mr. Bennet? -- Which one of the following sentences from a concluding paragraph does not answer this question?
  • Ultimately, Austen unmasks Mr. Bennet's joviality as a refusal to take responsibility
  • Austen shows how Lydia's disastrous elopement had a damaging impact on her family
  • Mr. Bennet is presented as a well-meaning, but fundamentally ineffectual, character
  • Austen shows how ineffectual Mr. Bennet is as head of the family, despite his good intentions
What is the purpose of a conclusion?
  • Its purpose is to balance the argument
  • Its purpose is to bring an essay to a finish
  • Its purpose is to remind the reader of every detail which has been included in the essay
  • Its purpose is to summarize the argument and finally answer the essay question
How many new points may be introduced in a conclusion?
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • No new points may be introduced
'For those who study the great art of lying in bed there is one emphatic caution to be added.' -- This statement is the first sentence of the concluding paragraph in G.K. Chesterton's essay, 'On Lying in Bed'. Which of the following might be the opening sentence of the introduction?
  • 'Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling'
  • 'Let us pay a little more attention to these possibilities of the heroic and the unexpected'
  • 'A man's minor actions and arrangements ought to be free, flexible, creative'
  • 'But for the beautiful experiment of lying in bed I might never have discovered it'
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