What should accompany a quotation from the text?
  • An explanation of how the quotation supports the point which you have made
  • A similar quotation from another text by the same author
  • A contrasting quotation from another text by a different author
  • A quotation can stand on its own and does not require any further detail
Which tool does an author use in order to accomplish his or her purpose in writing?
  • A highly-effective marketing plan
  • A long, explanatory section which follows the story
  • A commentary running alongside the text to explain the purpose of each section
  • Language
When writing an essay about literature, you should...
  • list each literary technique which the author has used in the text
  • only name a literary device used if you can show how the writer used it and what effect it has
  • list all of the similes in one paragraph, all of the metaphors in another, etc.
  • name every literary device you find so that you can show off what you know
What is the term for the political, cultural, social, or economic environment in which a piece of literature is written?
  • Environment
  • Surroundings
  • Context
  • History
Which of the following should you analyze when writing about literature?
  • A text's language
  • A text's meaning
  • A text's structure
  • Any of the above
Which of the following is a good example of how to use a quotation when writing an essay about literature?
  • 'Sullen-looking, sleepy-eyed men who seemed unused to late hours'
  • Scout says, 'sullen-looking, sleepy-eyed men who seemed unused to late hours'
  • To Scout, the lynch mob appears as 'sullen-looking, sleepy-eyed men who seemed unused to late hours'
  • 'Sullen-looking, sleepy-eyed men who seemed unused to late hours' seemed to be a lynch mob
Which of the following is true?
  • The author's meaning is always clear and obvious
  • It is impossible to understand the meaning of any text
  • A text may have many meanings, including hidden or subtextual meanings
  • A text can only have one meaning
Which of the following sentences is a good example of how to write about literature?
  • Scout recognizes the men and says, 'Hey, Mr. Cunningham'
  • Scout's innocent recognition of the men gathered around the jail awakens their sense of humanity
  • Scout's just a little girl and keeps talking to the men because she doesn't know any better
  • Scout says, 'Hey, Mr. Cunningham,' and then feels hurt because he doesn't answer
What does 'interpretation' mean?
  • The only correct meaning of a text; the meaning explained by the teacher
  • The only correct meaning of a text; the meaning given by the author's friends
  • A translation of a text into another language
  • A personal understanding of a text, which may differ from other people's understanding
How should you NOT treat the plot?
  • Discuss the plot structure where it provides support or evidence for a point you've made
  • Mention any significant moment in the plot, such as a turning point, when it supports your argument
  • Summarize the entire plot so that the reader knows what the story is about
  • Mention a specific event in the story where it is necessary in introducing a quotation
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