One of the most important purposes of an introductory paragraph is to 'hook' the reader. This can be achieved by...
  • using an interesting or surprising fact
  • beginning with a quotation
  • beginning with a rhetorical question
  • Any of the above
Which of the following is true?
  • The best introductions have only two sentences: one for the topic, one for the argument
  • A good introduction provides an outline of the points the essay will cover
  • A good introduction leaves out the argument, instead saving it for the conclusion
  • The best introductions start with an anecdote, waffle for a while and then mention the topic
Your introduction should mention the subject of your essay. This is also called the...
  • point
  • argument
  • topic
  • evidence
Pupils are often taught to write 'In this essay, I will ....' -- Which of the following would make the most elegant replacement for this construction?
  • This essay will argue that there are similarities and differences between 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and Act I, Scene 2 of Macbeth
  • I will argue that, although 'Dulce et Decorum Est' shares its gruesome depiction of the battlefield with Act I, Scene 2 of Macbeth, the poem differs in tone from the glorification of violence expressed in the play
  • Although 'Dulce et Decorum Est' shares its gruesome depiction of the battlefield with Act I, Scene 2 of Macbeth, the poem differs in tone from the glorification of violence expressed in the play
  • There might be similarities and differences between 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and Act I, Scene 2 of Macbeth
In , what is the effect created by Inspector Goole's manner of showing each character the photo of Eva Smith? - Which key words should be mentioned in an introductory paragraph written in answer to this question?
  • Effect, character
  • Character, Eva Smith
  • What, manner
  • An Inspector Calls, effect, Inspector Goole, shows/showing, character, photo, Eva Smith
An essay's argument is...
  • the main quotation from the text
  • a disagreement between the author of the essay and the examiner
  • the main point which it makes about the topic
  • a disagreement between the author of the essay and the author of the text
Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of an introductory paragraph?
  • To tell the reader everything you plan to say in the essay
  • To encourage the reader to continue reading
  • To let the reader know the topic of the essay
  • To state your argument
How does Shakespeare compare love and friendship in ? - Which key words should be mentioned in an introductory paragraph written in answer to this question?
  • Shakespeare, compare, love
  • Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
  • Shakespeare, love, friendship, The Merchant of Venice
  • love, friendship
Out of the following, which would be the preferable length for an introductory paragraph?
  • One sentence
  • Two sentences
  • Four or five sentences
  • A full A4 page
Your argument must...
  • answer the essay question
  • contain no more than twenty words
  • be aggressive
  • be stated in the most complicated language you can manage
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