Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? An important moment of change that marks the beginning of a entirely new, and usually better, state of things.
  • Turning point
  • Turn around
  • Turn about
  • Turning stage
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The character who is in conflict with the protagonist.
  • Opponent
  • Antagonist
  • Opposite
  • Enemy
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The dramatic 'high' of the story.
  • Nadir
  • Low
  • Pit
  • Climax
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The atmosphere created by a given situation or setting.
  • Mood
  • Environment
  • Scene
  • Ambience
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The time and place in which the story is told.
  • Period
  • Era
  • Epoch
  • Setting
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The struggle among opposing elements of the story.
  • Struggle
  • Clash
  • Encounter
  • Conflict
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The sequence of events in the story.
  • Anecdote
  • Account
  • Plot
  • Tale
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The main idea or message conveyed by a story.
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Message
  • Hint
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The narrator's or other character's standpoint on events.
  • Perspective
  • Opinion
  • Point of view
  • Idea
Which word(s) means the same as the given definition? The main character in a story.
  • Protagonist
  • Principal
  • Antagonist
  • Major
The events which occur in a story and the way in which they relate to each other are known as...
  • setting
  • resolution
  • theme
  • plot
Which of the following would NOT make an effective beginning for narrative writing?
  • Beginning mid-dialogue
  • Beginning mid-action
  • Beginning with a long, repetitive, clichéd sentence
  • Beginning with a short, sharp sentence
What is meant by the term 'rising action'?
  • A word or phrase hinting at something which will occur later on in the story
  • A series of events and complications occurring which lead to the climax of a story
  • A story with a hopeful, optimistic ending
  • All of the above
Which one of the following would be a good reason to add a passage of descriptive writing in your narrative?
  • It's best if the reader can picture the setting exactly, in every detail
  • Well-chosen description adds to the setting, the mood or a character
  • A descriptive passage is good because it will make the story longer
  • Every piece of narrative writing must have a long passage of description
What is the name for a narrator who knows everything that is happening, including what each character is thinking?
  • First-person narrator
  • Second-person narrator
  • Third-person limited narrator
  • Omniscient narrator
What is meant by the 'structure' of a story?
  • The organization of the story
  • The type of story (i.e. horror, mystery, science fiction, post-apocalyptic, etc.)
  • The mood and atmosphere of a story
  • The perspective of the narrator
Writing dialog can be one of the hardest aspects of narrative writing to do well. Which of the following is NOT a common pitfall to avoid when writing dialog?
  • Being unclear who is speaking
  • Using too many exclamatory sentences
  • Writing clear, succinct, relevant dialog
  • Reproducing everyday conversation in all its boring detail
What is setting?
  • The meaning of the story
  • The atmosphere of a story
  • The time, location and surrounding events in which a story takes place
  • The events of a story and the order in which they take place
If you were writing a narrative, in whose voice would it be?
  • Your own voice
  • Your best friend's voice
  • The narrator's voice
  • Your teacher's voice
What must a story have at the end?
  • A happy event
  • Resolution
  • Conflict
  • A dream sequence
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