How is plastic waste a threat to human health?
  • It gives off toxic fumes
  • It provides breeding grounds for insects like mosquitoes
  • It dissolves into the water supply
  • It is highly flammable
Which of the following is/are sources of plastic waste?
  • The sea
  • Packaging
  • Crude oil
  • All of the above
Squatter settlements create plastic waste that often ends up in the environment rather than landfills. Why?
  • Squatters put it there
  • There is nowhere else to put it
  • Animals come in at night and carry it away thinking it is food
  • There are few waste collections so waste is often just left as piles in the street
Most plastics are not biodegradable. This means...
  • they are easily digested by animals
  • they are easily digested by bacteria
  • they are not easily broken down in the environment
  • they don't contain any bacteria in their structure
In a LEDC, why is plastic waste more of a problem in urban areas compared to rural areas?
  • Rural populations in LEDCs buy fewer consumer items and packaged items
  • There are usually less well-developed waste management systems in urban areas of LEDCs
  • Rural to urban migration leads to the establishment of illegal squatter settlements
  • All of the above
Why is plastic waste a problem when it gets into the environment?
  • It rots down forming a gooey mess
  • It causes trees to die
  • It does not rot away
  • Rotting plastics give off toxic gasses
Which of the following statements about plastic waste is untrue?
  • Humans generate very little plastic waste
  • Plastic waste is light and easily spread by wind and water
  • Plastic waste lasts longer than most other types of waste
  • Burning plastic waste on a fire releases harmful gasses into the air
When plastics are burnt, they release greenhouse gasses and produce toxic gasses but despite this, they are sometimes incinerated. Why?
  • They release a lot of energy when they are burnt
  • It is very easy to remove the carbon dioxide and toxic gasses from the exhaust gasses
  • It is illegal to put them into a landfill site
  • When they rot down, they pollute the water supply
Which of the following is a hazard from plastic waste?
  • It can cause cars to skid and crash
  • It gets wrapped round boat propellers and causes them to sink
  • Wildlife can get stuck in items of plastic waste
  • It blows into doorways and suffocates homeless people while they are asleep
Plastic waste gets into the environment from squatter settlements. What is a squatter settlement?
  • A community in which everyone spends more time sitting down than standing
  • A community of environmentally-concerned people
  • People living in a house that is not theirs
  • A community that has been built illegally in or at the edge of a city
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