Justin Moore makes $515 per week. He is married with three children. He pays $37.50 each week for medical coverage. He puts in 3% of his weekly pay to his 401K retirement plan. His state’s income tax is 6.25%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $2.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants him to pay $8.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will he bring home each week in his paycheck?
  • $461.07
  • $467.01
  • $416.70
  • $476.10
Jeff Walker makes $1,200 per week. He is married with 2 children. He pays $52.00 each week for medical coverage. He puts in 6% of his weekly pay to his 401K retirement plan. His state income tax is 8%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $102.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants him to pay $54.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will he bring home each week in his paycheck?
  • $837.69
  • $873.69
  • $873.96
  • $837.96
Alice Fremont makes $825 per week. She is divorced but is raising 5 children. She pays $48.75 each week for medical coverage. She puts in 4% of her weekly pay to her 401K retirement plan and her state income tax is 7%. According to the federal government she needs to pay $22.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants her to pay $26.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will she bring home each week in her paycheck?
  • $639.38
  • $693.83
  • $683.93
  • $638.39
Mark Walker makes $790 per week. He is married with no children. He pays $63.00 each week for medical coverage. He puts in 3% of his weekly pay to his 401K retirement plan and his state income tax is 6.35%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $61.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants him to pay $34.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will he bring home each week in his paycheck?
  • $545.05
  • $554.50
  • $455.50
  • $455.05
Stacy Warren makes $2,150.00 . She is married with two children. She pays $307.75 each pay period for medical coverage. She puts in 1.5% of her pay to her 401K retirement plan and her state income tax is 8.32%. According to the federal government she needs to pay $153.00 in federal taxes each pay period. The state government wants her to pay $90.00 in state taxes each pay period. How much money will she bring home in her paycheck?
  • $1,428.53
  • $1,528.43
  • $1,582.34
  • $1,482.35
Lynette Tillson makes $4,250.00 . She is married with six children. She pays $645.00 each pay period for medical coverage. She puts in 7.5% of her pay to her 401K retirement plan and her state income tax is 8.15%. According to the federal government she needs to pay $126.00 in federal taxes each pay period. The state government wants her to pay $138.00 in state taxes each pay period. How much money will she bring home in her paycheck?
  • $2,707.85
  • $2,770.85
  • $2,077.58
  • $2,707.58
Zack Owen makes $2,600.00 . He is married with seven children. He pays $241.50 each pay period for medical coverage. He puts in 3.8% of his pay to his 401K retirement plan and his state income tax is 7.5%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $109.00 in federal taxes each pay period. The state government wants him to pay $90.00 in state taxes each pay period. How much money will he bring home in his paycheck?
  • $1,878.83
  • $1,887.83
  • $1,878.38
  • $1,888.37
Janet Greyson makes $900 per week. She is married and has three children. She pays $76.00 each week for medical coverage for herself. She puts in 4.5% of her weekly pay to her 401K retirement plan and her state income tax is 5.9%. According to the federal government she needs to pay $46.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants her to pay $33.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will she bring home each week in her paycheck?
  • $654.64
  • $665.45
  • $644.56
  • $645.46
Billy Waxston makes $475 per week. He is married and has one child. He pays $25.35 each week for medical coverage. He puts in 2.5% of his weekly pay to his 401K retirement plan and his state income tax is 5.85%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $12.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants him to pay $11.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will he bring home each week in his paycheck?
  • $318.82
  • $382.18
  • $388.12
  • $381.28
Walter Evans makes $942 per week. He is divorced and has two children. He pays $86.25 each week for medical coverage. He puts in 3.2% of his weekly pay to his 401K retirement plan and his state income tax is 8.25%. According to the federal government he needs to pay $73.00 in federal taxes each week. The state government wants him to pay $40.00 in state taxes each week. How much money will he bring home each week in his paycheck?
  • $694.45
  • $649.54
  • $694.54
  • $649.45
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