Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • To change from square millimeters to square meters, divide the square millimeters by 10,000
  • There are 1,000,000 mm2 in 1 m2
  • To change from square meters to square millimeters, divide the square meters by 1,000,000
  • There are 10,000 mm2 in 1 m2
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • The length of the perimeter of a polygon is found by multiplying the length of one of its sides by the number of sides
  • If you double the radius of a circle, the circumference quadruples
  • The perimeter of a circle is called the circumscribe
  • If you double the radius of a circle, the area quadruples
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • The shortest side of a right angled triangle is called the hypotenuse
  • The perimeter of a circle is called the circumference
  • π = 23⁄7
  • The area of a rectangle = length + width
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • There are 1,000 mm2 in 1 m
  • A hexagon has five sides
  • A 2-D shape doesn't have a volume
  • If you increase the perimeter of a 2-D shape, the area decreases
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • A cuboid has six faces
  • A cube has 14 edges
  • The circle is the only 2D shape that has a curved perimeter
  • A quadrilateral has at least five sides
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • The length of the perimeter of a regular polygon is found by multiplying the lengths of its sides with each other
  • The length of the perimeter of a regular polygon is found by multiplying the length of one of its sides by the number of sides
  • A 2-D shape has a volume
  • The length of the perimeter of a rectangle = length + width
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • The length of the perimeter of a rectangle = twice the length + twice the width
  • A rectangle has three edges
  • The area of a rectangle = 1⁄2 × base × height
  • The fewer sides that a shape has the smaller its area
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • To change from square centimeters to square millimeters, you have to multiply the square centimeters by 1,000
  • To change from square centimeters to square millimeters, you have to multiply the square centimeters by 100
  • To change from square centimeters to square millimeters, you have to multiply the square centimeters by 10,000
  • To change from square centimeters to square millimeters, you have to multiply the square centimeters by 10
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • There are 100,000 mm2 in 1 m2
  • There are 1,000,000 cm2 in 1 m2
  • The area of a triangle = 1⁄2 × base × height
  • To change from square centimeters to square millimeters, you have to divide the square centimeters by 100
Which one of the given statements is correct?
  • The area of a triangle = base × height
  • A cuboid has twelve faces
  • A heptagon has six sides
  • If you double the radius of a circle, the circumference doubles
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