The area in which an organism lives is called .......
  • A habitat
  • A river
  • A wood
  • An environment
A cactus is adapted to survive in desert conditions. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • Flowers only open during the heat of the day
  • The leaves are spines to prevent water loss
  • The leaves are spines to stop animals eating them
  • The swollen stem stores water
Giraffes are adapted to live on the African savanna. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • They are tall so that it is easy to spot predators
  • They can drink up to 12 gallons of water when available
  • They have a long neck to eat leaves from tree tops
  • They have a tiny heart to pump blood up their necks
An oak tree is adapted to grow in a wood. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • It has a large root system to absorb water and minerals
  • It has a large root system to anchor the tree
  • It has plenty of leaves to absorb sunlight
  • It loses its leaves in autumn to save food
Hedgehogs are nocturnal and hibernate during the winter. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • Hedgehogs eat insects and worms - they are herbivores
  • Their metabolic rate drops in winter
  • They are nocturnal as many insects are active at night
  • They hibernate as food is scarce in winter
Penguins are adapted to live in the antarctic. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • The dark colored feathers reflect heat from the sun
  • Their webbed feet make them powerful swimmers
  • They have overlapping feathers to waterproof them
  • They have thick skin and lots of fat to keep them warm
Desert tortoises are adapted to live in the desert. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • The adults can survive about a year with no water
  • The hard shell can't protect them
  • They burrow to protect themselves from the extreme heat
  • They dig shallow pits to catch water
An arctic poppy is adapted to live in the arctic. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • The flower moves during the day to face the sun
  • The stems and leaves are hairy to prevent water loss
  • They grow near to the ground to protect against winds
  • They have shallow roots as the top layer of soil is frozen
A polar bear is adapted to live in the arctic. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • They have a thick layer of fat for insulation
  • They have big feet to produce high pressure on the snow
  • They have waterproof fur for insulation when in water
  • Their fur looks white to blend in with their surroundings
A camel is adapted to survive in desert conditions. Which of the following is NOT true?
  • The hump is used to store fat
  • The nostrils can close to keep sand out
  • They have large feet so they do not sink in soft sand
  • They have long eyelashes to attract other camels
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