The time taken to melt ice cubes wrapped in different insulating materials has been measured and these measurements recorded. How could these measurements be displayed in a bar chart?
  • The size of the ice cube on the x-axis; the different materials on the y-axis
  • The different materials on the x-axis; the time taken to melt on the y-axis
  • The time taken to melt on the x-axis; the size of the ice cubes on the y-axis
  • The different materials on the x-axis; the temperature of the ice cubes on the y-axis
How should your measurements be recorded?
  • On some scraps of paper
  • On a mind map
  • In a table
  • It's not necessary to record your measurements
In an investigation, what are 'results'?
  • Measurements
  • Observations
  • Predictions
  • Measurements and observations
The strength of different magnets could be tested by counting how many paper clips they could hold. If you were creating a bar chart to display the results, how might you label it?
  • The type of magnet on the x-axis; the amount of time on the y-axis
  • The type of magnet on the x-axis; the number of paper clips on the y-axis
  • The weight of the magnets on the x-axis; the length of time on the y-axis
  • The distance of the magnets on the x-axis; the number of paper clips on the y-axis
Which of the following would be a suitable conclusion to an investigation?
  • Cars always make large shadows
  • The closer to a source of light an object is, the larger its shadow will be
  • Taller people make shadows
  • Shorter people don't make shadows
How should recorded results be displayed?
  • In a bar chart
  • In a line graph
  • In a scatter graph
  • In any of the above
Which of the following would be a suitable conclusion to an investigation?
  • Woodlice like warm habitats
  • Woodlice like cool habitats
  • The more damp the habitat, the more woodlice it will have
  • Woodlice hate living in damp conditions
Which of the following would be a good title for a bar chart describing the strength of different magnets by counting how many paper clips they could hold?
  • How heavy are paper clips?
  • How strong are magnets?
  • Why do magnets attract paper clips?
  • Which magnet should you buy?
Fill in the gaps in this sentence: The _____ the temperature of the water, the ____ sugar it dissolves.
  • smaller, most
  • larger, lots
  • higher, lots
  • lower, less
Fill in the gaps in this sentence: The _______ the insulating material, the ______ it takes ice cream to melt.
  • thicker, longer
  • more, shorter
  • warmer, cooler
  • higher, thinner
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