Which one of these questions could you investigate at school?
  • Which is the stretchiest modeling clay?
  • Which is the nicest modeling clay?
  • Who makes modeling clay?
  • How much modeling clay have we got?
Scientists investigate all these questions. But which one of these questions could you investigate in a school?
  • What are the rocks on the planet Mars made from?
  • Why are there no green plants at the bottom of the oceans?
  • Why are there fewer parrots in the Amazon rain-forest?
  • What sort of places do woodlice like to live in?
Toni wants to do an investigation in her class. She is going to ask people a question. Which one of these questions would be the best one to investigate?
  • Do you know what a rainbow is?
  • Do you like the color blue?
  • Do you like rainbows?
  • Which color in the rainbow do you like best?
Tanya has had a cold. She has an idea for an investigation. What do you think it is?
  • Which type of tissue is smallest?
  • Which type of tissue is the most colorful?
  • Which type of tissue is stretchiest?
  • Which type of tissue is the most absorbent?
Anna knows that plants grow quicker in the summer than the winter. Which one of these questions would be fun for Anna to investigate?
  • Do children grow quicker in the summer than the winter?
  • Do children grow?
  • Do children grow older each year?
  • Do children have birthdays?
Which one of these is a question you could investigate in science?
  • Can a pencil be used to write with?
  • Are pencils alive?
  • How are pencils made?
  • What can you draw with a pencil?
Which one of these questions would you have to investigate outdoors?
  • How quickly does grass grow again after it has been mown?
  • What is the best way to grow cress?
  • How much water do plants need?
  • How deep should I plant bean seeds?
All of these are questions. Some have simple answers. But which one could you investigate?
  • How many months are there in a year?
  • Which month in the year is the warmest?
  • Which is the shortest month in the year?
  • Which is the first month of the year?
Sasha has decided to investigate this question: ‘What is the best material to make an umbrella?’ Sasha decides to put the question another way. Which is the best question for him to ask?
  • Which material is heaviest and lets the water through?
  • Which material is lightest and waterproof?
  • Which material is most colorful?
  • Which material is lightest and most colorful?
Which one of these questions would be good to ask in science?
  • Which word is longest - reptile, bird or mammal?
  • What are the differences between reptiles, birds and mammals?
  • Can you draw a reptile?
  • What is a good story about a bird?
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