How fast does light travel?
  • 120 kilometers per hour
  • 3,000 kilometers per hour
  • 3,000 kilometers per second
  • 300,000 kilometers per second
Imagine a candle flame. Light from the candle flame travels in which direction?
  • In arcs
  • In straight lines
  • In random lines
  • All of the above
If you half fill a clear glass with water and place a straw in the glass, how does the straw appear when you look at it carefully?
  • It appears normal
  • It seems to change color
  • It appears bent or broken
  • It disappears completely
There are forms of light which are invisible to the human eye. Which of these is an example?
  • Ultraviolet
  • Reflections
  • Dark matter
  • Starlight
Light travels slightly more slowly through air than through space. It is slowed down a little bit more by glass and which of the following?
  • Metal
  • Water
  • Concrete
  • Wood
Why does a green apple look green?
  • It absorbs green light, but reflects the other colors
  • It reflects green light, but absorbs all of the other colors
  • It absorbs green light, but transmits all of the other colors
  • It transmits all of the light
Which of these is a source of light?
  • A candle flame
  • The Sun
  • The Moon
  • A torch
How will a beam of light shining on a glass prism behave?
  • It will be refracted
  • It will be completely reflected
  • It will be completely absorbed
  • It will not be changed at all, instead being perfectly transmitted
Visible light contains many colors. Which of the following is one of these colors?
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • Red
A submarine's periscope allows someone on the boat to see objects that are above the water. How is this possible?
  • Light reflecting off the object curves as it enters the periscope
  • Light reflecting off the object is transmitted as it enters the periscope
  • Mirrors within the periscope reflect the light, enabling it to change direction
  • Periscope is another name for window
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