You are making shadows with a torch and one hand. What could you do to make the shadow bigger?
  • Use a smaller torch
  • Move the torch further away from your hand
  • Move your hand further away from the torch
  • Move your hand closer to the torch
Which one of the following is a source of light?
  • The Sun
  • A fire
  • The Moon
  • A light bulb
Outdoors, shadows are longest at what time of day?
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • 10 a.m.
  • Noon
  • Midnight
Which of the following would reflect the most light?
  • An object with a crumpled surface
  • A smooth, shiny object with flat surfaces
  • A rough object with curved surfaces
  • A dark, shiny object with curved surfaces
Which one of the following objects is translucent?
  • A sheet of glass
  • Tissue paper
  • Cellophane
  • Greaseproof paper
What causes shadows?
  • Shadows are caused by the dark
  • A shadow appears when light cannot pass through an object
  • Shadows are only caused by the Sun going behind a cloud
  • A shadow is formed when the light changes color to black
How does an opaque material affect light?
  • It allows all light to travel through it
  • It allows some light to travel through it
  • It allows no light to travel through it
  • It bends the light which passes through it
Light travels in a straight line. How can it be made to travel around an obstacle?
  • By using reflective materials to change the light's direction
  • By using more than one source of light
  • By blocking the light with another obstacle
  • Light can curve around an object
What happens when light hits a reflective material?
  • It passes completely through the material
  • It bounces off the material, changing direction
  • It is absorbed by the material
  • It forms a rainbow
Light reflects off which of these materials?
  • A mirror
  • A football
  • Glass
  • Nearly every material will reflect light
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