What type of passage brings a section to a conclusion?
  • A Coda
  • A pause
  • A ritardando
  • An accelerando
What kinds of music feature improvisation?
  • Jazz solo sections
  • Rock guitar solo sections
  • Classical recitative sections
  • All of the above
What high-pitched counter-melody is found in hymns?
  • Bass line
  • Descant
  • Falsetto
  • Tenor line
What is an interlude?
  • A 16-bar section which features a drone
  • A long composition comparable to a symphony
  • A short piece in-between parts of longer compositions
  • None of the above
What does 'Question and Answer' mean?
  • Dominant-to-tonic resolution by a different (B) voice
  • A 4-bar section which is constantly repeated
  • A section which is constantly at a loud dynamic
  • All of the above
A harmonic accompaniment is mainly provided by .......
  • several instruments with underlying chord progressions
  • very loud dynamics
  • fast playing
  • None of the above
'Tone quality' or 'Tone color' specifically relates to .......
  • dynamic markings
  • key signatures
  • timbre
  • time signatures
What is a descant?
  • A counter-melody at a higher pitch than the main melody
  • A fast section of music
  • A loud and accented bass line
  • A piece in the key of D major
Which of the following is the bass line?
  • A mid-pitched line played usually a 3rd below the melody
  • A high-pitched line which plays out the tune
  • A low-pitched line played by rhythm section instruments
  • All of the above
A Coda is .......
  • a quiet kind of dynamic marking
  • a passage which brings a movement to a conclusion
  • a type of accelerando
  • a type of classical movement
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