A film's musical score ____.
  • is another term for the songs in a musical
  • can reinforce the story and create mood or suspense
  • does not have an effect on the film
  • is included as a distraction from the story
What is a musical accompaniment?
  • A musical part played in the background or in support of another voice or instrument
  • A chamber orchestra
  • A musical
  • The period of time an orchestra waits for a solo to be finished
Who wrote 'Peter and the Wolf'?
  • Rachmaninov
  • Beethoven
  • Prokofiev
  • Mozart
Where might you hear an aria?
  • At a ballet
  • At a disco
  • At an opera
  • In a church
In which of these environments are you NOT likely to hear music?
  • A library
  • A place of worship
  • A theater
  • Outdoors
Which of these is NOT an example of folk music?
  • A sea shanty, such as 'Haul Away Joe'
  • A work song, such as 'Hoe Emma Hoe'
  • A song from a musical, such as 'Food Glorious Food'
  • A song traditionally sung in a specific region, such as 'The Lambton Worm'
Music can ____.
  • create different moods
  • create different effects
  • tell a story
  • all of the above
Which instrument could best represent the sound of an elephant walking?
  • A flute
  • The kettle drum
  • The harmonica
  • A cymbal
Which of these light-hearted pieces was written by the French composer Saint-Saëns?
  • 'The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra'
  • 'The Carnival of the Animals'
  • 'The 1812 Overture'
  • 'Ode to Joy'
Which of these would be a response to music?
  • A piece of music makes you feel sad
  • A piece of music makes you feel like dancing
  • You draw a picture inspired by a piece of music you've heard
  • All of the above
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