Charities often work with rural communities in LEDCs. Which of the following is an example of the work they do?
  • Teaching natural farming methods to increase crop yields without the need for buying artificial fertilizers
  • Developing a strong community spirit
  • Training people farming methods that reduces soil erosion
  • All of the above
One important way of helping rural areas in LEDCs is by improving the local economy by encouraging tourism. What does this achieve?
  • Less migration to towns and cities
  • More migration to towns and cities
  • It helps prevent damage to ecosystems
  • Local people gain a better knowledge of other countries
Who is most likely to migrate from a rural area to an urban area?
  • An elderly female
  • A young female
  • An elderly male
  • A young male
Why are rural changes in LEDCs important?
  • Rural areas in LEDCs produce food for both rural and urban populations
  • The statement is false, rural changes in LEDCs are unimportant
  • A minority of people live in rural areas
  • It could change the amount of food that is imported from MEDCs
Which of the following is not a push factor that could lead to rural to urban migration?
  • Farmers are encouraged to grow cash crops
  • Natural disasters
  • Better housing conditions in the city
  • Poverty
Improving the standard of living for families in rural areas helps their communities become more sustainable. Which of the following is not an example of a government of an LEDC improving rural standards of living?
  • Providing fertilizer to increase crop yields
  • Providing a community with a clean water supply
  • Building a local school
  • Providing a mobile health care service
Which of the following is not a negative impact of growing cash crops?
  • Cash crops use up a lot of water, depleting local water supplies
  • Cash crops can damage local ecosystems
  • Cash crops provide local employment
  • Heavy use of fertilizer means that it could get into local watercourses
Which of the following is not a benefit of migration to urban areas?
  • The migrant sends money home
  • It causes an increase in tourism
  • More money available to the family for schooling
  • The family can buy more livestock
A cash crop is ...
  • a crop that is grown in order to provide the raw materials for printing money
  • a crop whose seeds cost a lot of money
  • a crop that is grown with the intention of selling to a MEDC
  • all of the above
Why does improving roads and communications help rural communities in LEDCs?
  • Their cars don't wear out as quickly
  • It makes migration to cities a lot easier
  • The post can get through on a more regular basis
  • They can sell their products more easily
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