When trees are felled, the bare soil is exposed and soil erosion occurs. Why is soil erosion in rainforests a problem?
  • There is not enough soil left to hold up the trees so they fall over
  • Nutrients are lost so the rainforest trees die
  • It makes it hard to get logging vehicles through
  • The soil ends up in the rivers causing flooding
Which of the following is a social reason that leads to increased human use of the Brazilian tropical rainforest?
  • To reduce the population of coastal areas like Rio and Sao Paulo
  • To create more land for production of cheap beef to sell to MEDCs
  • To take peoples' minds off other problems in Brazil such as poverty
  • To pay off international debts
The exploitation of a tropical rainforest usually leads to ...
  • deforestation
  • afforestation
  • a large increase in the local economy
  • a decrease in GDP
Selective logging is said to be a sustainable way of obtaining wood from a rainforest. Which of the following best describes selective logging?
  • Choosing a group of trees and chopping them all down
  • Only felling trees that have reached a certain size
  • Randomly cutting down trees
  • Only cutting a few branches off trees so that the trees can continue to grow
Which of the following is a problem that is not directly associated with human uses of the rainforest?
  • Soil erosion
  • Flooding
  • Hurricanes
  • Global warming
How can satellites in space help rainforests?
  • They can be used to create pockets of greater biodiversity
  • They can be used to fire missiles at people using the rainforest illegally
  • Powerful lasers mounted on the satellites can be used to accurately cut down a tree, minimizing the damage caused during logging
  • They can be used to monitor activities in the rainforest to make sure that they are legal
Which of the following is one of the main causes of tropical rainforest destruction?
  • Logging
  • Climate change
  • Cities in or near to rainforests growing in population and needing to expand
  • Bushfires
Which of the following best describes 'slash and burn'?
  • Vegetation is cut down and burned, providing ash that fertilizes the soil
  • Some branches of trees are chopped off and then burnt to provide ash to fertilize the soil
  • Neighboring tribes attack each other, the winning tribe then destroys the village of the losing tribe
  • Large areas of rainforest are cleared using fires to make way for new roads
Which of the following is/are not reason(s) why rainforests are used as a resource?
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Political
  • None of the above
Agro-forestry is a sustainable method of using the rainforest. Agro-forestry is ...
  • growing trees as a cash crop
  • growing trees and crops at the same time
  • growing crops in amongst the trees
  • cutting down old trees to clear areas to grow cheap beef
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