Which of the following is not a hazard from a volcano?
  • Lahar
  • Lava flow
  • Storm surge
  • Ash cloud
Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean and is a LEDC. A volcano on the south of the island started to give warning signs that an eruption was imminent. Two years later, the most intense eruptions occurred, however, there had been plenty of time to evacuate the population from the island. Which of the following would be classed as a long term response or result of the eruption?
  • Evacuation
  • Abandonment of the capital city
  • Building an observatory to monitor the volcano
  • Increased unemployment because tourists stopped visiting the island
Some volcanoes are closely monitored for signs of an eruption. Which of the following is not an indicator that an eruption is likely to occur?
  • An increase in oxygen levels around the volcano indicates that magma is rising
  • Dozens or even hundreds of micro-earthquakes indicates that magma is rising
  • An increase in sulfur dioxide around the volcano as gasses are released from the rising magma
  • Ground temperatures increase around the volcano as the red hot magma gets closer to the surface
What is the most effective way to protect a population during a volcanic eruption?
  • Evacuation
  • Provide specially reinforced umbrellas to protect them from the volcanic bombs
  • Build a large wall around the center of population
  • Provide volcano suits to protect them from the heat
Volcanic eruptions can have a devastating effect on communities and the environment yet people still live close to volcanoes and volcanically-active areas. Which of the following is not a reason for this?
  • Mudflows clear areas of woodland or agriculture
  • When volcanic ash weathers, it releases nutrients into the soil
  • Underground heat
  • Tourists like to visit volcanoes
In MEDCs, people living near volcanoes are generally better prepared for an eruption. Which of the following is the most likely reason?
  • People in MEDCs are wealthier and can buy homes that are built to withstand a volcanic eruption
  • People in LEDCs have lower literacy skills
  • People in MEDCs have more leisure time and can spend more time getting fit so that they can run away from an eruption
  • People in LEDCs cannot afford to leave their homes during an eruption
Which of the following would be classed as a secondary effect of a volcanic eruption?
  • Destruction of crops and livestock by flooding where volcanic ash blocks rivers
  • Forests destroyed by a nuée ardente
  • People killed by toxic gasses
  • Lahars destroying crops and homes
Why are more people likely to die when a volcanic eruption occurs in a poor country?
  • They don't have the technology to monitor volcanoes closely
  • They don't have the resources to support the populations affected
  • Poor communications and infrastructure make evacuation slow and inefficient
  • All of the above
There are several reasons why communities in LEDCs are more vulnerable than those in MEDCs. Which of the following statements is false?
  • Volcanoes in LEDCs erupt less often than in MEDCs so they are not as used to dealing with eruptions
  • Active volcanoes are often better monitored
  • The government can issue warnings via TV and radio a few days before an eruption
  • Fewer people have motor vehicles and the roads are often a lot worse in LEDCs
Which type of volcano is most likely to cause loss of life and property when it erupts?
  • Shield
  • Sword
  • Composite
  • Fissure
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