When was first published?
  • 1823
  • 1843
  • 1863
  • 1883
Charles Dickens had a career as which of the following?
  • Soldier
  • Politician
  • Schoolteacher
  • Journalist
Where could those who could not support themselves financially go to live?
  • Parliament
  • Hospitals
  • The Union workhouses
  • Local factories
Which of the following statements is true?
  • Children under the age of fourteen were not permitted to work in Britain in the 1840s
  • Children under the age of twelve were not permitted to work in Britain in the 1840s
  • Children under the age of ten were not permitted to work in Britain in the 1840s
  • Children of all ages, even as young as five years old, worked long hours for a wage in Britain in the 1840s
During the nineteenth-century, those who could not pay their debts were likely to be sent where?
  • Canada
  • To work in a mill
  • To work on a farm
  • Prison
Charles Dickens was removed from school at a young age to work in which of the following?
  • A tailor's
  • A blacking factory
  • A butcher's
  • A textile mill
'"You would deprive them of their means of dining every seventh day, often the only day on which they can be said to dine at all,' said Scrooge. 'Wouldn't you?'" Of what does Scrooge accuse the Ghost of Christmas Present?
  • Wishing to prevent Sunday trading
  • Wishing to force people to fast on Sundays
  • Wishing to force people to attend church on Sundays
  • All of the above
What is the name of the law which established workhouses as the only place a person could go to receive financial relief?
  • The Workhouse Act
  • The Alleviation of Poverty Act
  • The Social Welfare Act
  • The Poor Law Amendment Act
Regarding the law mentioned in the previous question, in what year was this act passed?
  • 1810
  • 1828
  • 1834
  • 1842
Christmas Day was a public holiday, which is why Scrooge must pay Bob Cratchit for the day even though he does not work. Does this mean that everyone received their entitlement of a paid holiday?
  • No, because women such as Mrs Cratchit were paid to cook the Christmas dinner
  • No, because household servants such as Martha Cratchit were still expected to work as long as they were needed
  • No, because business owners such as Scrooge were free to work
  • All of the above
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