"About ten minutes after, the driver got down and opened a pair of gates: we passed through, and they clashed to behind us. We now slowly ascended a drive, and came upon the long front of a house: candle-light gleamed from one curtained bow-window: all the rest were dark." This sentence depicts Jane's arrival where?
  • Gateshead
  • Lowood School
  • Thornfield Hall
  • Moor House
"The lawns, the grounds were trodden and waste: the portal yawned void. The front was, as I had once seen it in a dream, but a shell-like wall, very high and very fragile looking, perforated with paneless windows: no roof, no battlements, no chimneys — all had crashed in." What is the overriding impression given of the fire-gutted Thornfield?
  • Emptiness
  • The building exudes a sense of destiny fulfilled
  • The building exudes an air of excitement
  • The building exudes an air of optimism
"A rude noise broke on these fine ripplings and whisperings, at once so far away and so clear: a positive tramp, tramp; a metallic clatter, which effaced the soft wave-wanderings; as, in a picture, the solid mass of a crag, or the rough boles of a great oak, drawn in dark and strong on the foreground, efface the aërial distance of azure hill, sunny horizon and blended clouds, where tint melts into tint." This scene forebodes the arrival of which character?
  • Mr Mason
  • St John Rivers
  • Bertha Mason
  • Mr Rochester
Which of the following is a quality shared by each of the separate settings in the novel?
  • Isolation
  • Beauty
  • Wildness
  • All of the above
Where is the opening of the novel set?
  • Thornfield Hall
  • Lowood School
  • Moor House
  • Gateshead-hall
"My home, then — when I at last find a home, — is a cottage: a little room with white-washed walls, and a sanded floor; containing four painted chairs and a table, a clock, a cupboard, with two or three plates and dishes, and a set of tea-things in delf. Above, a chamber of the same dimensions as the kitchen, with a deal bedstead, and bureau; small, yet too large to be filled with my scanty closet." What effect is created by this list of the contents and qualities of Jane's new home?
  • Jane's home reminds her too much of Thornfield
  • Jane's home is plain and poor and leaves her feeling dissatisfied
  • Jane's new home is modest and provides just a little more than she needs
  • Jane's new home is luxurious
When is the novel set?
  • In the sixteenth century
  • In the nineteenth century
  • In the twentieth century
  • In the future
is set in which country?
  • France
  • Belgium
  • England
  • Australia
"The hills beyond Marsh-Glen sent the answer faintly back — "Where are you!" I listened. The wind sighed low in the firs: all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush. "Down superstition!" I commented, as that specter rose up black by the black yew at the gate." Jane somehow hears Rochester's voice calling her. This depiction of the midnight scene on the moors relies on what type of imagery?
  • Supernatural
  • Philosophical
  • Scientific
  • Medical
Which of the following does NOT describe Lowood School as it is before Helen's death?
  • Cold
  • Cheerful
  • Strict
  • Damp
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