What is the immediate context for this passage?
  • Leonato, the Friar, Beatrice and Benedick have agreed to pretend that Hero is dead
  • Don John has just persuaded Don Pedro and Claudio to spy at Hero's window
  • Dogberry has brought Borachio and Conrad to Leonato to confess
  • Claudio and Don Pedro have just persuaded Benedick that Beatrice is in love with him
What immediately follows this passage?
  • Claudio agrees to marry a niece of Antonio's
  • Leonato challenges Claudio to a duel
  • Benedick agrees to challenge Claudio for Hero's honor
  • Leonato holds a second feast
What is meant by Benedick's line, "Beat—"?
  • He loses his train of thought
  • Beatrice interrupts him
  • The private conversation between Beatrice and Benedick is interrupted by Hero regaining consciousness
  • The private conversation between Beatrice and Benedick is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of Don John
"I will swear by it that you love me, and I will make him eat it that says I love not you." Benedick swears by his sword that he loves Beatrice. What does he mean by "I will make him eat it"?
  • He will invite anyone who denies his love for Beatrice to a feast where he will prove the doubter wrong
  • He will argue endlessly with anyone who denies his love for Beatrice
  • He will make anyone who denies his love for Beatrice metaphorically eat his words
  • He will use his sword to fight anyone who denies his love for Beatrice
Referring to the answer to the previous question, how does Beatrice overturn Benedick's boastful promise?
  • She undermines the useless boast and asks him for an act which would prove his love to her
  • She redirects attention to Hero's situation
  • She asks him to kill Claudio
  • All of the above
"O that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they come to take hands, and then with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancor - O God that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market place." Which aspect of Claudio's refusal to marry Hero does Beatrice most condemn in these lines?
  • That Claudio refused to listen to Hero
  • That Claudio shamed her in public
  • That Claudio, a man, could ill treat Hero, a woman
  • That Leonato did not defend his own daughter
Which of the following refers to fighting a duel for Hero's honor?
  • "It is a man’s office"
  • "What offense, sweet Beatrice?"
  • "And do it with all thy heart"
  • "Talk with a man out at a window"
Which of the following lines does NOT imply that Benedick is somehow physically restraining Beatrice?
  • "Nay, I pray you, let me go"
  • "In faith, I will go"
  • "We’ll be friends first"
  • "You dare easier be friends with me than fight with mine enemy"
"Will you not eat your word?" Beatrice's question aligns two different weapons capable of violence. What are these?
  • Love and lies
  • Darkness and lies
  • Words and swords
  • Love and poison
Which of the following lines contrast outer appearances with inner reality?
  • "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest"
  • "Come, bid me do anything for thee"
  • "I am gone though I am here"
  • "Is Claudio thine enemy?"
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