"It were possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you, but believe me not, and yet I lie not. I confess nothing nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin." Which of the following is a key word in these lines spoken by Beatrice?
  • You
  • Believe
  • Confess
  • Nothing
Leonato says of Beatrice and Benedick, "There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signor Benedick and her. They never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them." How is the "merry war" resolved?
  • Through boredom
  • Through Beatrice's victory
  • Through death
  • Through marriage
Which of the following lines spoken by Leonato best expresses the relationship of father to daughter in this play?
  • "Are these things spoken, or do I but dream"
  • "O fate, take not away thy heavy hand"
  • "But mine, and mine I loved, and mine I praised, / And mine that I was proud on"
  • "Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left / Is that she will not add to her damnation / A sin of perjury"
What does Leonato say would be better than his daughter's dishonor?
  • Death
  • Justice
  • Revenge
  • Life in the convent
Which of the following events is NOT brought about through deception?
  • Beatrice's and Benedick's marriage
  • Dogberry's discovery of the plot
  • Claudio's abandonment of Hero at their wedding
  • Claudio's and Hero's marriage
The uneasy relationship between men and women is a prominent theme of . Which of the following aspects of the play does NOT relate to this theme?
  • The anxiety over Hero's faithfulness or unfaithfulness to Claudio
  • Beatrice's reluctance to marry
  • The Friar's judgment of Hero
  • Claudio's and Don Pedro's jokes about the possibility that Benedick's future wife will cheat on him
Which of the following is correct?
  • Beatrice is pressured by her friends and family to get married; Benedick is encouraged to remain single
  • Benedick is pressured by his friends to marry; Beatrice is encouraged to remain single
  • Both Benedick and Beatrice are pressured to marry
  • Neither Beatrice nor Benedick is pressured to marry
DON PEDRO: I think this is your daughter. LEONATO: Her mother hath many times told me so. Leonato's joke relates to which of the play's themes?
  • Deception
  • Illegitimacy
  • Fraught relationships between men and women
  • All of the above
Beatrice compares courtship and love to a dance which begins quickly and in a lively manner and ends in a slow, staid style. At the end of the play Benedick asks for a dance. What is significant about his request?
  • He asks for a slow dance
  • He asks for a dance before they marry
  • He asks someone else to dance
  • Beatrice refuses to join him
What do Don Pedro's wooing of Hero and Borachio's scene in the bedroom window with Margaret share in common?
  • Innocent amusement
  • Playfulness
  • The intention to bring harm
  • A reliance on disguise
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