What does the bindle signify?
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Frequent unemployment
  • All of the above
What are itinerant laborers?
  • Workers who have several part-time jobs at the same time
  • Illegal immigrants
  • Self-employed workers
  • Workers who must move from one job to another
In the novel, California's rich and productive agricultural land provides a stark contrast with which of the following?
  • The impoverishment of the owners of the land
  • The impoverished lives and circumstances of those who work the land
  • The impoverishment of the bosses
  • The impoverishment of those working in factories and other industries
When was first published?
  • 1927
  • 1937
  • 1947
  • 1957
George and Lennie carry their "bindles" with them. What is a "bindle"?
  • A sack or bundle
  • A suitcase
  • A box
  • A trunk
What effect did the "Dust Bowl" have on 1930s California?
  • California's rich agricultural land was slowly eroded and impoverished during the long drought
  • A severe drought in California lead to a shortage of agricultural labor in the state
  • A severe drought in the southwest caused an influx of migrants into the state
  • The Dust Bowl had no effect on California; its effects were confined to Oklahoma
Who is the victim of the racist attitudes prevalent in the United States at the time the novel was written?
  • Crooks
  • Candy
  • Curley's wife
  • Lennie
The title of the novel is taken from a poem by Robert Burns which includes these lines: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang oft a-gley." How are these lines relevant to the novel?
  • When their dream seems finally within reach, everything falls apart for Lennie and George
  • Lennie and George do not plan well, unlike the "mice and men" of Burns's poem
  • If Lennie and George had been better workers, they would already have bought their own land
  • If Lennie and George had been more careful with their money, they would already have bought their own land
Where was John Steinbeck born?
  • New York
  • Oklahoma
  • California
  • Mississippi
What event took place on 29th October 1929?
  • The sinking of the Lusitania
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbour
  • The assassination of William McKinley
  • The Wall Street Crash
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