What is the immediate context for this passage?
  • Dancing at the Capulet's feast has just begun
  • Romeo has just seen Rosaline
  • Mercutio has challenged Tybalt to a duel
  • Juliet has just been explaining to her Nurse that she knows who Romeo is
What immediately follows this passage?
  • Juliet delivers her soliloquy and is overheard by Romeo in the garden
  • Romeo and Tybalt duel
  • Romeo and his friends are ordered to leave the Capulet's house
  • Romeo and Juliet touch hands and kiss
Capulet insults Tybalt by calling him "goodman boy". What is his insult intended to achieve?
  • He wishes to goad him to violence
  • He reminds Tybalt to be well-behaved, or "good", because guests are present
  • Capulet reminds his nephew that he is young and will not be making the decisions
  • He is being sarcastic because Tybalt is not "good"
Which of the following words best describes the tone of Capulet's conversation with his cousin?
  • Nostalgic
  • Sorrowful
  • Anxious
  • Anticipatory
Why does the page exit the stage?
  • He leaves to warn Romeo of Tybalt's intentions
  • He leaves to wait upon Capulet's wife
  • He leaves to fetch Tybalt's sword
  • He abandons Tybalt to his ill temper
To what intention does Romeo refer when he says, "And touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand"?
  • He intends to ask Friar Laurence to bless his hand after he has touched Juliet
  • He intends to dance with Juliet
  • He intends to ask Juliet to bless his hand with holy water
  • All of the above
Romeo compares Juliet to which of the following?
  • A jewel and a crow
  • An earring and a crow
  • An earring and a dove
  • A torch and an Ethiopian
Tybalt's argument with Capulet foreshadows his fatal duel with Romeo. Which of the following lines least contributes to this foreshadowing?
  • "He shall be endured"
  • "And, to say truth, Verona brags of him / To be a virtuous and well-governed youth"
  • "I’ll not endure him"
  • "Am I the master here or you?"
Which of the following best describes the atmosphere of this passage?
  • Brooding
  • Mournful
  • Melancholic
  • Simultaneously bright and threatening
Which of the following is more important to Capulet than his family's feud with the Montagues?
  • His responsibilities and reputation as a host
  • His personal wealth
  • The wealth of the city
  • His wife's honor
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