What does Juliet promise her mother she will do at the feast held at the Capulet home?
  • Avoid dancing with Romeo
  • Avoid speaking with Romeo
  • See whether she might like to marry Romeo
  • See whether she might like to marry Paris
What is the Nurse's role in Romeo and Juliet's secret marriage?
  • She arranges the secret wedding with Friar Laurence
  • She arranges the first meeting between Romeo and Juliet
  • She persuades Juliet to marry Romeo rather than Paris
  • She passes messages between the two lovers
What does Juliet's mother mean when she tells her daughter, "By my count / I was your mother much upon these years / That you are now a maid"?
  • She became engaged at the age of fourteen
  • She was married at the age of fourteen
  • She became a mother at the age of fourteen
  • She had been a mother for a while by the time she was Juliet's age
Why is Romeo banished from Verona?
  • He kills Tybalt in revenge for Mercutio's death
  • He accidentally kills Tybalt
  • He threatens Capulet
  • His secret marriage to Juliet is discovered
Who draws his sword first in the fight which leads to Mercutio's and Tybalt's deaths and Romeo's banishment?
  • Benvolio
  • Tybalt
  • Mercutio
  • Romeo
Who are buried together at the end of the play?
  • Romeo and Juliet only
  • Juliet and Paris only
  • Romeo, Juliet and Paris
  • Juliet is buried alone in the Capulet tomb
Which of the following is NOT a significant event in Act I, Scene 1?
  • Samson bites his thumb
  • Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulets' home
  • The Prince threatens death to any Capulet or Montague who disturbs the peace of Verona
  • Romeo tells Benvolio of his recent disappointment in love
What does Juliet mean when she asks, "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo"?
  • Juliet wishes to know where Romeo is
  • Juliet is telling Romeo that she knows he is in the garden
  • Juliet asks why Romeo is a Montague
  • All of the above
What is Friar Laurence's motivation for agreeing to help Romeo?
  • He only wants Romeo to be happy
  • He hopes that the marriage will heal the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues
  • He does not want Juliet to marry Paris
  • He believes that everyone should hastily follow their desires
Which of the following misfortunes contributes to Romeo's suicide?
  • He receives news from a servant of Juliet's burial
  • Friar Laurence's message to Romeo is prevented from being delivered
  • Romeo reaches Juliet's tomb before Friar Laurence
  • All of the above
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