"There might be seen in districts far away among the lanes, or deep in the bosom of the hills, certain pallid undersized men, who, by the side of the brawny country-folk, looked like the remnants of a disinherited race." What impression does this description create of the wandering weavers?
  • The weavers are otherworldly
  • The weavers are condescending to the farmers and other rural people
  • The weavers are happiest when they are traveling
  • Because they are exotic, the weavers attract much positive attention from rural people
"The second day he took refuge from benumbing unbelief, by getting into his loom and working away as usual." What does Silas's work represent to him?
  • Routine
  • Shelter
  • Purpose
  • All of the above
"So he stepped forward into darkness." What meaning is conveyed by the use of the word "darkness"?
  • Dunstan has chosen the dark path of causing harm to others
  • Dunstan is stepping forward into a literal darkness, since it is night
  • Dunstan is stepping forwards into the darkness represented by death
  • All of the above
"In that moment the mother's love pleaded for painful consciousness rather than oblivion — pleaded to be left in aching weariness, rather than to have the encircling arms benumbed so that they could not feel the dear burden." Which pairs of words are set in opposition here?
  • "Mother's love" and "encircling arms"
  • "Aching weariness" and "benumbed"
  • "Painful consciousness" and "encircling arms"
  • "Painful consciousness" and "oblivion"
"The fading gray light fell dimly on the walls decorated with guns, whips, and foxes' brushes, on coats and hats flung on the chairs, on tankards sending forth a scent of flat ale, and on a half-choked fire, with pipes propped up in the chimney-corners." What impression is given by the language in these lines?
  • The Red House parlor is a place of coziness
  • The Red House parlor is uncared-for
  • The Red House parlor is a place of quiet contemplation and recreation
  • The Red House parlor is a child-friendly environment
Regarding the answer to the previous question, which language choices create this impression?
  • Coats, hats, ale
  • Foxes' brushes, hats, tankards
  • Dimly, decorated, propped
  • Flung, flat, half-choked
"That bright living thing must be caught; and in an instant the child had slipped on all fours, and held out one little hand to catch the gleam." What is the significance of the "gleam" Eppie tries to catch?
  • The gleam is simultaneously the warmth and light of Silas's fire and life itself
  • The gleam only refers literally to the light of Silas's fire
  • The gleam represents the snow from which Eppie escapes
  • The gleam only refers to Eppie's own desire to live
"The garden was fenced with stones on two sides, but in front there was an open fence, through which the flowers shone with answering gladness, as the four united people came within sight of them." What is the significance of the word "answering"?
  • The flowers, unlike the young married couple, are responsive to the outer world
  • It is as if the group of flowers are in conversation with one another, like the group of four people
  • The use of the word "answering" implies that Eppie speaks to her flowers when she is working in the garden
  • The flowers reflect back the joy of Silas, Dolly, Eppie and Aaron
"We eat o' the same bit, and drink o' the same cup, and think o' the same things from one day's end to another." Which of the following is NOT true of Silas's portrayal of his relationship with Eppie?
  • They are equals
  • They are incapable of considering the feelings of others
  • They are inseparable
  • They are equally contented in their humble life together
Nancy Lammeter's opinions and habits are compared to grass which has taken root and grown in her mind, without being noticed. While the comparison is meant to demonstrate how little thought has gone into nurturing the opinions and how tenacious these habits might be, what else is implied?
  • Nancy's habits and opinions are weak, like blades of grass
  • Nancy's habits and opinions are healthy and natural, like grass
  • Nancy's opinions might spread to other people, like weeds
  • Nancy's opinions and habits can be changed
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