Which of the following is true of the spaces in which the action of the play takes place?
  • They are all comfortable, home-like spaces
  • They are large, public spaces
  • They are small, confined and primarily private spaces
  • The spaces grow ever more light and airy
The audience first meets most of the characters, including Abigail, Reverend Parris, John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale and the Putnams where?
  • In the forest
  • In the meeting room
  • In Betty's bedroom
  • In the Proctors' living room
In which year is the play set?
  • 1592
  • 1692
  • 1792
  • 1892
Which of the following is true of the trial scene?
  • The audience never knows what happens during the trials
  • The trial takes place in Salem jail
  • The trial scene is set in the meeting house and the trial itself occurs on stage before action shifts to the vestry room in the next scene
  • The trial takes place off stage, with only the voices of the judge and the accused being heard through the open doors leading from the vestry room
Which of the following settings is immediately associated with the practice of magic?
  • The meeting room
  • The bedroom in Parris's house
  • The river
  • The forest
What is taking place in Andover in the autumn while the Salem executions are in progress?
  • Rebellion
  • The discovery of dozens of further cases of witchcraft
  • The entire population of Andover confesses to practicing witchcraft
  • The government orders an end to the trials in Andover
Act II takes place in the "common room" of the Proctor house. The homey atmosphere of the setting is disturbed by which of the following?
  • The sound of Elizabeth singing to their children
  • The gun which John Proctor leans against the wall
  • The smell of the food cooking over the fire
  • John's washing of his hands and face
What is the Christian religious group to which the characters in the play belong?
  • Puritans
  • Lutherans
  • Methodists
  • Catholics
In which country is set?
  • Germany
  • Soviet Union
  • United States of America
  • Ireland
Act IV opens in darkness, with "moonlight seeping through the bars". What is significant about this setting?
  • Those convicted of witchcraft will be hung at daybreak and the timing gives Act IV a sense of urgency
  • The darkness is emblematic of the spiritual and moral darkness into which the town has descended
  • The darkness of the setting provides dramatic potential, so that the sun, when it rises in a new dawn at the end of the play, brings death, rather than life
  • All of the above
0 h : 0 m : 1 s