How does Shylock describe his offer to lend money without charging interest?
  • As sensible
  • As extravagant
  • As genteel
  • As kind
"All debts are cleared between you and I if I might but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure. If your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter." What does Antonio's letter tell us about his relationship to Bassanio?
  • He believes that Bassanio will come to see him merely from a sense of duty
  • He believes he has been abandoned and expects never to see Bassanio again
  • He believes that Bassanio is emotionally indebted to him
  • He believes that Bassanio owes him no loyalty
What does Portia's trick with the ring achieve?
  • She makes Bassanio confront his conflicted loyalties
  • She gains greater respect from Bassanio
  • She gains the gratitude of Antonio
  • All of the above
"Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none?" What does Portia's complaint about her father's provision for his estate demonstrate about her character?
  • She wishes for control over her own actions but remains obedient
  • She is grateful that her father planned a clever lottery to decide her future
  • She wishes for control over her own actions and decides not to follow her father's orders
  • She wishes never to marry
How does Lorenzo typically address Jessica?
  • With irony
  • With terms of endearment
  • With sarcasm
  • He does not speak to her
Antonio is a respected, successful merchant. Which of the following behaviors is at odds with his gentle — and genteel — demeanor?
  • His insistence upon loaning money without charging interest
  • His treatment of Shylock in public
  • His fondness for his young friend
  • His refusal to be cheered at the beginning of the play
Which one of the following most accurately describes Bassanio?
  • Loyal
  • Self-sacrificial
  • Independently wealthy
  • Careful
Why does Jessica feel ashamed during her elopement with Lorenzo?
  • She is abandoning her faith
  • She is dressed as a boy
  • She is abandoning her father
  • She has taken some of her father's riches
"If I catch him once upon the hip / I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him." How does Shylock's aside in Act One, Scene Three, characterize him?
  • As thoughtful
  • As generous
  • As greedy
  • As vengeful
Which of the following is true of Nerissa?
  • She explains to Portia how she might save Antonio
  • She is typically silent
  • She is able to lecture Portia gently
  • She is fearful of Portia
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