Which of the following materials are used in nuclear reactors?
  • Argon
  • Kryptonite
  • Coal
  • Uranium and plutonium
How do solar cells create electricity?
  • Absorb light energy from the sun
  • Use turbines which are turned by the wind
  • Turbine turned by water flows through pipes
  • Uses steam produced in the Earth's crust to drive turbines
What is an advantage of overhead electrical lines compared to underground lines?
  • Cheaper to repair
  • Affected by weather
  • There is no advantage to using overhead lines as opposed to underground
  • Overhead lines produce more electricity
What is an advantage of using gas?
  • Risk of spillage during transport
  • Produce CO2 and SO2
  • Flexible in meeting demand and has a quick start-up time
  • Produce radioactive material
Why is decommissioning a nuclear power plant expensive?
  • The radioactive material has to be fired into space
  • Radioactive material needs to be disposed of
  • It is no more costly than decommissioning any other power plant
  • The material left over has to be used and this takes time and requires man power to ensure the material is safely burned
What is an advantage of using water pumped storage systems?
  • Uses less electricity
  • Increases cost of electricity at peak times
  • Creates electricity at peak times enabling demand to be met
  • It creates free electricity
What is an advantage of nuclear power?
  • Radioactive waste produced
  • No CO2 or SO2 produced
  • Costly decommissioning process
  • Long start-up time
What is an advantage of burning coal?
  • Cheap and plentiful supplies
  • Produces more CO2 per unit of energy than oil or gas
  • Causes acid rain
  • Will never run out
What is an advantage of renewable sources of energy?
  • Produce small amounts of electricity
  • There is an unlimited supply
  • High maintenance
  • High initial capital outlay
Which of the following fossil fuels has the shortest start-up time?
  • Coal
  • Oil
  • Gas
  • They all have the same start up time
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