The overall effect of the forces acting on an object will NOT ...
  • cause it to accelerate
  • cause it to decelerate
  • cause it to remain stationary
  • cause its watch to change
What is a resultant force?
  • A single force which has the same effect on motion as a number of forces acting at a point
  • When no forces are acting on a variety of points
  • A single force which has the same effect on motion as a number of forces acting at a number of different points
  • 49 forces acting on 79 points
What could the effect of a resultant force be?
  • Cause a change in state of rest or motion
  • Resultant forces do not have any effect on anything
  • Resultant forces only affect waves
  • Resultant forces do not exist
If an object is stationary and the resultant force acting upon it is zero, what will happen to the object?
  • It will accelerate at 1 m/s2
  • It will accelerate at 2 m/s2
  • It will accelerate at 3 m/s2
  • It will accelerate at 0 m/s2
If an object is stationary and the resultant force acting upon it is non-zero, what will happen to the object?
  • It will remain stationary
  • It will move towards the direction of the resultant force
  • It will move in the direction of the resultant force
  • It will explode
If an object is moving west at a speed of 3 m/s and the resultant force acting upon it is zero, what will happen to the object?
  • Move east at 3 m/s
  • Move north at 3 m/s
  • Continues moving west at 3 m/s
  • Come to rest
The driving force exerted by a motorbike is 2000 N. The resultant force acting in a forward direction is 200 N. What is the size of the opposing force (air resistance and friction)?
  • 1800 N
  • 200 N
  • 1900 N
  • 2000 N
If a ball is traveling at a speed of 3 m/s west and encounters a force which slows the ball at a rate of 0.25 m/s, how long does the ball take to stop?
  • 3 seconds
  • 6 seconds
  • 9 seconds
  • 12 seconds
A person pushes on a box with a force of 10 N which does not move. Assuming no other forces are present, what is the size of the force the box exerts on the person?
  • 5 N
  • 10 N
  • 15 N
  • 20 N
Two forces act on a small ball. One force exerts a force of 10 N east, whilst the other force exerts a force of 15 N west. What is the size and direction of the resultant force?
  • 5 N east
  • 5 N west
  • 10 N east
  • 10 N west
0 h : 0 m : 1 s