Which of the following waves can be changed by the Doppler effect?
  • Light waves
  • Sound waves
  • Microwaves
  • All of the above
When the source of a wave moves towards the observer, which of the following is true?
  • The frequency of the waves is higher
  • If the wave is a light wave from a distant galaxy, the light is red-shifted
  • The wavelength of the waves is less
  • If the wave is a sound wave, the pitch sounds higher than it would if the source was stationary
Galaxies emit (give out) many different types of wave. Which of the following would be emitted by a galaxy?
  • Sound
  • Light
  • Infrared
  • X-rays
Scientists measuring radio waves from a distant galaxy find the wavelength of the waves they have detected is longer than it should be. What is this called?
  • Long-shift
  • Wave-shift
  • Red-shift
  • Radio-shift
Scientists discovered that all of the distant galaxies they looked at showed red-shift. What does that tell us about the direction that most galaxies are moving?
  • They are moving away from us
  • They are moving towards us
  • They are neither moving away nor towards us
  • Red-shift gives no information about how galaxies are moving
What information does the red-shift of a galaxy give us?
  • Its distance and number of stars in the galaxy
  • Its speed and the number of stars it contains
  • Its weight and the speed it is moving away
  • Its distance and the speed of recession
What conclusion can be drawn from the fact that nearly all galaxies are moving away from us?
  • Galaxies repel each other like magnets
  • The Universe is shaped like a hill and the galaxies are rolling down the hill
  • Galaxies all have the same electrical charge
  • The Universe is expanding
Which theory about the formation of the Universe is supported by its expansion?
  • Steady State
  • Big Bang
  • Big Crunch
  • The Oscillating Universe Theory
In 1964, American radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). Why was this an important discovery?
  • It proved beyond doubt that the Big Bang theory was completely correct
  • It proved that the Universe will never stop expanding
  • It provided good evidence to support the Big Bang theory
  • It completely disproved the Steady State theory
As the Universe gets older, what might happen to the cosmic microwave background radiation?
  • Its wavelength could increase
  • It may become stronger
  • It will suddenly disappear
  • It will turn into visible light
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