When a star dies, which of the following could a star turn into?
  • White dwarf
  • Black hole
  • Supernova
  • All of the above
Why does a star not explode or collapse during the 'main sequence' of its life?
  • Not enough energy within the star to explode or collapse
  • The forces within it are in equilibrium
  • The star is solid so cannot collapse
  • They do explode when they reach their 'main sequence'
Every star goes through a life cycle. What is this life cycle determined by?
  • Elements within the star
  • Size of the star
  • Gravity surrounding the star
  • Number of planets orbiting the star
What is nuclear fusion?
  • Nuclear fusion is the separation of an atomic nucleus into two smaller nuclei
  • Nuclear fusion is the joining of two atomic nuclei into one larger nucleus
  • Nuclear fusion is the process by which atoms absorb energy
  • Nuclear fusion occurs when atoms absorb electrons
How can we detect black holes if we can't see them?
  • We can see them when other stars shine on them
  • We can detect their immense gravitation strength affecting other objects
  • We can send probes into space and if we lose one we know it has entered a black hole
  • There is no way to detect black holes
Which element was abundant in the early universe?
  • Hydrogen
  • Iron
  • Oxygen
  • Zinc
What force pulls dust and gas together in space to form stars?
  • Electro-weak force
  • Electromagnetic force
  • Gravity
  • Strong force
How were most of the heavier elements in the universe created?
  • Within stars and ejected into space when the stars exploded
  • Gravity pulled smaller atoms together
  • Electro-attraction
  • Smaller atoms randomly collided together to form heavier elements
Which element is the main source of fuel that our sun uses for the process of nuclear fusion?
  • Hydrogen
  • Zinc
  • Boron
  • Lead
Which of the following is an example of nuclear fusion?
  • Energy released by nuclear power plants
  • Energy created to power trains
  • Energy released in stars
  • Energy released to thrust rockets into space
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