What are westerly winds?
  • a) Winds blowing from sub-tropical high pressure areas to sub-polar low pressure areas
  • b) Winds that trade with each other
  • c) Winds blowing from equatorial high pressure areas to sub-tropical low pressure areas
  • d) Winds blowing from equatorial low pressure areas to sub-tropical high pressure areas
Westerly winds of Southern Hemisphere ______
  • a) weaker and maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere
  • b) are stronger and maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere are
  • c) are stronger but do not maintain a constant direction than its counterpart in Northern Hemisphere
  • d) blow from equatorial low pressure areas to sub-tropical high pressure areas
What are periodic winds?
  • a) Westerly winds
  • b) Winds that do not change their direction periodically with the change in season
  • c) Winds that change their direction periodically with the change in season
  • d) Trade winds
Which of the following are examples of periodic winds?
  • a) Gusts
  • b) Windstorm
  • c) Westerly winds
  • d) Monsoons, land and sea breeze, mountain and valley breeze
A downburst is created by an area of rain-cooled air that _____
  • a) after hitting the ground generates strong winds which spread in all directions
  • b) don’t hit the ground
  • c) after hitting the ground generates extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
  • d) are short gusts
What is sea breeze?
  • a) Winds that don’t strike the ground level
  • b) Winds from sea that flow during day towards the land and replace the lighter and rising hot air
  • c) Winds that hit the land to generate extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
  • d) Short gusts originating from sea
What is land breeze?
  • a) Winds that hit the sea to generate extremely weak winds which spreads in all directions
  • b) Winds from land that flow during night towards the sea and replace the lighter and rising hot air
  • c) Winds from sea that flow towards the land and replace the lighter and rising hot air
  • d) Short gusts originating from land
Which of the following equations best explains the phenomenon of winds flowing from high pressure to low pressure?
  • a) Pressure = Force/Area
  • b) Roult’s law
  • c) Force = mass*acceleration
  • d) Ideal gas equation
How do thunderstorms form?
  • a) Thunderstorms originate from a pleasant breeze
  • b) Thunderstorms are produced by mid-level clouds
  • c) Thunderstorms are produced by cumulonimbus cloud which generated gusty winds and heavy rains
  • d) Thunderstorms originate from low-level clouds and do not carry rain with them
Which of the following are types of winds?
  • a) Planetary winds, periodic winds, local winds
  • b) Trade winds, westerly winds, plate tectonics
  • c) Apples, monsoon
  • d) Clouds, rains, storms
What is considered as a strong breeze on a Beaufort Wind Scale?
  • a) 0
  • b) 6
  • c) 1
  • d) 4
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